Prenatal Exposure to Drugs/alcohol
This book describes the characteristics of youngsters affected by prenatal drug/alcohol exposure and explores strategies to circumvent this damage in order to maximize the individual's remaining strengths. Information and suggestions are primarily for the professionals in education who can provide supportive coordination for caregivers, mental health, and medical service providers-in terms of relaying information and pinpointing techniques for learning that are the most successful for each youngster. Medical literature on the physical, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics of this population is described for readers without a medical background. Terminology that is commonly used by various disciplines, outside of education, is also included. Educational needs, successful learning environments, and instructional techniques are addressed, as well as how the environment must be adapted to in order to optimize the experiences of these youngsters. Divided into three sections, Part One presents the characteristics of youngsters prenatally drug exposed, giving the reader an understanding of possible damage. Part two presents background on the cognitive processes involved in learning. The primary focus of this section is on normal learning processes. Part three describes instructional strategies for learning and everyday life experiences those youngsters with disabilities find challenging. The book will help educators and parents to recognize deficits so that strategies can be implemented. Instructional and management recommendations are made with this in mind. It will be of interest to educators, social workers, nurses, other service and care providers, foster care workers, and parents.--Back cover.