Crisis Intervention
Criminal justice professionals are confronted with crisis situations on a daily basis in an era when crime ranks in the forefront of domestic social issues, and the administration of criminal justice is a major concern of public officials and the public. This expanded new edition delves into the historical perspective of crisis intervention and examines the advancements that have been made in order to reflect the latest developments in the field. It is intended for pre-service and in-service criminal justice and social service crisis interveners who come into contact with victims of domestic/spouse abuse, child abuse and neglect, rape and sexual assault, loss of a loved one, or any other type of crisis. This book deals extensively with the special considerations involved in intervening in nonsecure field settings and provides an updated strategy for teaching crisis intervention in the criminal justice curriculum. Step-by-step procedures and numerous examples and role-plays teach readers how to intervene in crises. The intervener is also provided information on self assessment in a field setting and coping with the stresses of frontline work. A statement of objectives, a summary, and learning activities are included in each chapter. The appendices include useful World Wide Web sites, guidelines and scenarios for role-plays, and course outlines for instructors. This unique book is designed for firefighters, police officers, community service officers, correctional workers, emergency medical workers, ministers, probation and parole officers, protective service workers, social workers, and victim assistance workers.