Legendary Locals of Huntington
Founded in 1871 by Collis P. Huntington, the rail tycoon's namesake city thrived as a gateway to the coalfields of southern West Virginia. The city's earliest leaders included Mayor Rufus Switzer, who created one of the community's true jewels, Ritter Park, and John Hooe Russel, who opened the city's first bank and, when it was robbed, jumped on his horse and gave chase to the bandits. Over the years, Huntington has been home to such varied individuals as Carter Woodson, the father of Black History Month; Dr. Henry D. Hatfield, who was West Virginia governor but said he would rather be known as a "country doctor;" Dagmar, the blonde bombshell of 1950s television; basketball star Hal Greer; golfing great Bill Campbell; Stella Fuller, who spent her life ministering to Huntington's poor; and the spectacularly generous Joan Edwards, who gave away $65 million. Legendary Locals of Huntington captures their stories and many others in a striking panorama of a remarkable community.