The Chinese of America
“Before World War I, when Chinese contributed importantly to the building of America by constructing the transcontinental railroads and by digging gold and coal, three-fifths of them came from one small district of their homeland; until 1943, immigration laws fostered their concentrations in ‘Chinatowns’; only after World War II did they start integrating into American life. This is the best general account of their culture, contributions and problems.” — The New York Times “In this lucidly and beautifully written account of Chinese immigrants in America from the 19th century to the present, Jack Chen has done a superb job of casting history into a perspective of broad understanding of nation building combined with a sense of ethnic pride.” — William Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago, American Journal of Sociology “Most interesting and certainly much needed.” — John King Fairbank, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History, Emeritus, Harvard University “Working with numerous excellent, recently published monographs, archival materials, and unpublished papers by young scholars, Chen has written a highly readable book, the most comprehensive and detailed account to date.” — S. F. Chung, The Journal of Asian Studies