The Eighth Edition of this bestselling introductory text features a comprehensive, updated survey of all key business functions: management, marketing, accounting, finance, and information technology. Core topics highlighted within these functional areas include ethics and social responsibility, small business concerns, different forms of business ownership, and international business concepts. In light of current business conditions, this edition also addresses the nation\'s economic problems, corporate credibility and efforts to improve accounting standards, the dot-com meltdown, entrepreneurial businesses, diversity, globalization, e-business, and other timely issues. Likewise, the authors have integrated more information on employment trends to help students choose a career and compete in a fickle job market. Updated and enhanced coverage of e-Business--in boxed features, examples, illustrations, and discussions throughout the text--reflects this sector\'s growing importance. In addition, Navigating the World of E-Business (Chapter 4) has been completely revamped to cover key concepts, as well as the strategies and challenges facing current businesses. Pedagogical tools have also been revised, including all new Inside Business cases at the beginning of each chapter and closing Return to Inside Business features. These sections follow up on the opening case with additional information, posing questions that stress the practical application of chapter concepts. All boxed features that focus on real business or workplace issues have been replaced. These boxes cover major themes, including Adapting to Change, Talking Technology, Examining Ethics (with Issues to Consider that stimulate critical thinking and facilitate discussion), Going Global, and Exploring Business. Using the Internet boxes continue to point students to relevant web sites for more information on concepts, companies, or issues covered in each chapter--prompting them to conduct independent research. The Eighth Edition also features two new Spotlight features per chapter, illustrating facts with appealing and easy-to-understand visuals that help students to understand the material. Due to its loose-leaf format, this text sells for considerably less than standard hardcover books and also provides students with greater flexibility. They can insert their own notes or class handouts into any chapter, bring only the chapters they need to class, or organize the contents to follow their instructor\'s syllabus. The Study Guide is perforated and three-hole punched so that the materials can be easily integrated with the textbook. New! Building a Business Plan features now appear at the end of every Part, helping students to write their own business plans incrementally over the course of a semester or during class. Chapter 6 also includes revised coverage of business plans. New! Running a Business, an ongoing video case featured at the end of each Part, provides students with an insider\'s vantage point of Finagle-A-Bagel, a bagel bakery and caf. Through this firsthand look at one business\'s day-to-day operations, students gain a better understanding of the real challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Students can also practice applying what they have learned by analyzing the problems, solutions, and actions taken at Finagle-A-Bagel. New! All end-of-chapter videos are new and focus on companies such as Stonyfield Farm, New Belgium Brewing, Subway, Bay Partners, Remington, Wal-Mart, JetBlue, Financial Fusion, and Merrill Lynch Direct. These cases combine with three other video tools--one brief chapter overview and two key concept segments--for a total of 13 to 20 minutes of video per chapter. New! All photos and advertisements are new. As in past editions, captions clarify how these real-world visuals illustrate key concepts under review. New! The Business Bonus Pack: Your