Our Monts Family
John Casper Mantz (b.ca. 1715) immigrated in 1752 from either Germany or Switzerland to Charleston, South Carolina, and was granted land on the Edisto River in Berkley above Orangeburg in Berkely County, South Carolina. He had married Anna Barbara Amacher, who had immigrated with her father in 1736, and then returned to Europe to marry John Casper Mantz and immigrate to Charleston as part of his family. There was another John Casper Mantz who immigrated to Charleston in 1752, although on another ship; the author carefully details the differing genealogical data about the two. Descendants and relatives lived in South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas and elsewhere. Includes ancestral family history and genealogical data in France, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland and elsewhere to 804 A.D.