The Return to Corregidor
In the present volume, which was first published in 1945, Harold Templeman, an American Red Cross Field Director who was assigned to the 503rd Paratroopers on their victory march from Australia to the Philippines, has compiled a thrilling story on the recapture of that Rock ribbed Fortress, “Corregidor.” “On Corregidor his work was particularly outstanding. He landed with the first Paratroopers on the “Top Side”—recovered his bundles under enemy fire, and by noon of the opening day had hot coffee for those who could visit his “Comfort Station.” Throughout this operation, Mr. Templeman rendered continuous service to the troops of the force with special attention to the patients in the emergency hospitals established there. In so doing he did much to increase the comfort of the men, which served as a tremendous morale factor.”—Col. George M. Jones, Commanding Officer