Keeping the Lights on
By 2016, it is likely that between 15 and 20GW of electricity generating plant will be decommissioned. This amounts to nearly a quarter of total UK generating capacity. Over the next 9 years substantial investment in new generating capacity and energy efficiency will be required if the lights are to stay on-even in the absence of demand growth. A further requirement is to move towards low-carbon energy sources, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This report supports the view that new gas-fired plant, renewables and energy efficiency could make up for the potential generating gap, and finds that an expansion of nuclear power could not be built in time, and carries risks of major accidents or terrorist attacks. All lower-carbon generating technologies are more expensive than coal or gas, and will require a long-term funding framework to ensure the necessary investment takes place. The Committee remains convinced that the 2003 White Paper emphasis on energy efficiency and renewables is still correct, and finds the new energy review to be unclear in its purpose. The Committee recommends that the Government shows far greater commitment and urgency in pursuing energy-saving measures, renewable sources, and other technologies such as clean coal and carbon capture and storage.