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Parliamentary Papers
Parliamentary Papers
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Bridging the Valley of Death
Bridging the Valley of Death
There exists the concept of a valley of death that prevents the progress of science from the laboratory bench to the point where it provides the basis of a commercially successful business or product. The future success of the UK economy has been linked to the success of translating a world class science base to generate new businesses with the consequent generation of UK jobs and wealth. A troubling feature of technology companies in the UK is how many are acquired by foreign owners where the subsequent jobs and wealth are generated outside the UK. It is key that the Government ensure that sufficient capital is available and recommended that the proposed bank for business, possibly in partnership with the Business Growth Fund, be used to promote a bond market for medium sized businesses, thus providing growing small businesses with an additional source of funding. It is also recommended that the Government investigate the potential to require funds to have a proportion of European SME equities. There needs to be a mechanism to support SME's who do disproportionately badly from the current R&D tax credit scheme. The Technology Strategy Board is becoming the focus for government innovation policy and Government should consider how they can resource the TSB to provide local level advice to technology businesses. The Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) and the SMART Award scheme would appear to be successful initiatives but lack sufficient funds to meet the demand from companies
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Sustainable Housing
Sustainable Housing
Following on from a previous Committee report on sustainable housing issues (HCP 135-I, session 2004-05; ISBN 0215021517) published in January 2005, this report considers recent developments, including the Government's decision to increase the proposed rate of new build housing from 150,000 to 200,000 per year by 2016. Issues discussed include: the likely effectiveness of the proposed voluntary Code for Sustainable Homes in terms of achieving well-designed, energy efficient sustainable buildings; whether the Government is doing enough to promote the Code within the building industry and the general public; fiscal measures needed to reward higher building quality and greater environmental performance; funding for the timely provision of infrastructure such as transport links, schools and hospitals in main growth areas; security of water supplies and whether the Government, the Environment Agency and the water companies are doing enough to educate people about water efficiency. Overall, the Committee's report recognises the need for additional housing capacity but criticises the Government's failure to acknowledge the valid concerns about the environmental impacts of its house building plans, and its lack of planning to ensure the necessary supporting infrastructure is put in place to establish sustainable communities.
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Coastal Towns
Coastal Towns
Coastal Towns : Session 2005-06, Vol. 2: Written Evidence
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Incorporating HC 983-i, session 2006-07
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Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs
This publication contains a range of oral and written evidence taken by the Committee in relation to its inquiry into special educational needs (SEN) provision, including contributions from Baroness Warnock, DfES officials and local authorities, Ofsted, the Audit Commission, the Disability Rights Commission, SEN advisors and organisations, charities and trade unions.
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Funding of the arts and heritage
Funding of the arts and heritage
Funding of the arts and Heritage : Third report of session 2010-11, Vol. 2: Evidence
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The Fire and Rescue Service
The Fire and Rescue Service
Fire and Rescue Service : Session 2005-06, Vol. 2: Oral and written Evidence
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