La Fiammetta
"La Fiammetta" is a romance novel by the Italian writer Giovanni Boccaccio, and takes place in Naples in the 14th century. Youth, beauty, and love, wit, gayety and laughter, are the component parts of the delightful picture conjured up by the mere name of Giovanni Boccaccio, the prince of story-tellers for all generations of men. By the time he was twenty-five, Boccaccio had fallen in love with the Lady Maria, a natural daughter of King Robert of Naples, and their ensuing friendship was no secret to their world. While he had his other novel 'Decameron' still in hand, he paused in that great work, with heart full of passionate longing for the lady of his love, far away in Naples, to pour out his very soul in 'La Fiammetta', the name by which he always called the Lady Maria. Written in the form of a first-person confessional monologue, it describes the protagonist, Fiammetta's, passion for Panfilo, a Florentine merchant. The novel has been characterized as the first psychological novel in Western literature.