Social Work Practice and Psychopharmacology
Praise for the Second Edition: “This is a very well-written book...My students appreciated the down-to-earth style of writing...Many of my students are deathly afraid of topics that have anything to do with biology. [They] were assured by the lack of jargon and the fact that the chapters were written in a way that they could easily understand. I look forward to the third edition!” -Nathan Thomas, LCSW San Jose State University, School of Social Work “New findings emerge daily, and new medications hit the market every year...The nature of this topic lends itself to revision at least every 2-3 years to stay current and germane to current practice standards... The case studies are a nice way to transform and integrate clinical principles with social work practice. Students have enjoyed the book as a foundational text.” -Dr. Robert Mindrup, PsyD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Social Work This comprehensive text—noted for its facility in integrating principles into practice--prepares social work students to play a key role within an interdisciplinary health care team: that of counseling clients who are taking medications used to treat common mental health conditions. The third edition has been fully revised to include new medications and reflect changes resulting from the publication of the DSM 5. Sample treatment plans, case examples, and a full glossary of medications have been updated, and the addition of a comprehensive Instructor’s Manual further enhances the text’s value. Also included is information on prescription drug abuse, expanded discussions of psychopharmacological considerations related to gender and culture, a new section on medical marijuana, pregnant women, and new content related to suicide warnings and internet availability and electronic records. The third edition also features a discussion of potential interactions with medications used to treat chronic conditions and emphasizes professional collaboration. The text is replete with guidance on common medicine-related issues social workers encounter in practice, including identifying potentially dangerous drug interactions and adverse side effects, improving medication compliance, recognizing the warning signs of drug dependence, and understanding how psychopharmacology can work in conjunction with psychosocial interventions. The role of the social worker taking into account treatment planning is stressed. The text also addresses the particular needs of children, older adults, and pregnant women and the treatment of specific mental health conditions. New to the Third Edition: • Reflects changes related to the DSM-5, the Affordable Care Act, and a multitude of new medications • Includes a restructured chapter on special populations highlighting the needs of children and adolescents, older adults and pregnant women • Presents new sections on electronic health records, telemedicine, suicide warnings, and medical marijuana • Offers enhanced coverage of psychopharmacological considerations related to gender and culture • Updates case examples, treatment plans, and extensive medication glossary • Provides a comprehensive Instructor’s Manual with PowerPoint slides, a sample syllabus, and sample tests Key Features: • Addresses the role of medication from the perspective of social work treatment • Delivers guidance on common challenges social workers encounter in practice • Encourages and empowers clients to be active in their own treatment • Emphasizes the role of the social worker in the use and misuse of medication • Identifies potentially dangerous drug interactions and adverse side effects • Explains how psychopharmacology works in conjunction with psychosocial interventions