Someone Will Make Money on Your Funds - Why Not You?
SOMEONE WILL MAKE MONEY ON YOUR FUNDS-WHY NOT YOU? "This book is a treasure trove of practical research and pithythoughts based on Gastineau's decades of experience; a valuableguide for the thoughtful investor." —Harold Evensky, Chairman, Evensky, Brown & Katz "Someone Will Make Money On Your Funds - Why Not You?will jar armchair mutual fund investors out of their PJ's. If youthink checking out your funds in Morningstar and Lipper has youcovered, you best read this book." —Maureen Nevin Duffy, Editor/Publisher, The TurnaroundTactician "This book is a must-read for fund investors. Gastineaucarefully discusses many important factors such as taxes, capitalgains overhang, trading costs, turnover, benchmark selection,active management, expense ratio, and aggressive trading by markettimers. These factors significantly affect fund performance but maybe ignored by investors. Gastineau goes on to build a strong casefor choosing ETFs over mutual funds, especially for long-terminvestors. I strongly recommend this book for investors." —Vijay Singal, J. Gray Ferguson Professor of Finance andChairperson of the Finance Department, Pamplin College of Businessof Virginia Tech, and author of Beyond the Random Walk: A Guideto Stock Market Anomalies and Low-Risk Investing "Gastineau's message is very powerful. He not only challengessome conventional wisdom on investing, but truly emphasizes how toadd value to a portfolio. What is unique is his ability to movequickly from the big picture to implementation strategies offeringinvestment solutions to both investment advisors and individualinvestors. Portfolio adjustments discussed can potentially havesignificant impact on a long-term investor's standard ofliving." —Dan Dolan, Director, Wealth Management Strategies, SelectSector SPDRs