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Materia de España
Materia de España
Situada en el centro de todas las miradas, la identidad se ha convertido en una de las grandes cuestiones de nuestro tiempo. La sobredosis identitaria es de tal magnitud que nadie quiere verse privada de ella.. Hace tiempo que las comunidades políticas, con sus atormentados historiales vienen dejando constancia de este síndrome. De entre esos casos, el español no es menos interesante. Los trabajos recopilados en este libro intentan poner de manifiesto la singularidad de una comunidad que, desde los primeros momentos, vivió el proceso identitario con una intensidad tan excesiva como dramática. Distante de los planteamientos esencialitas que en torno a un supuesto ser de España caracterizaron algunas reflexiones iniciales, el autor también expone sus reservas sobre la tendencia actual a reducir a España a una comunidad imaginada de usar y tirar. Centrados en el análisis de la literatura política e historiográfica de los siglos XVI-XVIII, los ensayos aquí recogidos indagan sobre la constitución en ese periodo de una materia de España que, susceptible de modelarse y reconfigurarse de varias formas, constituyo un zócalo identitario que desde nuestro actual observatorio no debería sin más darse por inexistente.
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Protestantism and Political Conflict in the Nineteenth-century Hispanic Caribbean
Protestantism and Political Conflict in the Nineteenth-century Hispanic Caribbean
Catholicism has long been recognized as one of the major forces shaping the Hispanic Caribbean (Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic) during the nineteenth century, but the role of Protestantism has not been fully explored. Protestantism and Political Conflict in the Nineteenth-Century Hispanic Caribbean traces the emergence of Protestantism in Cuba and Puerto Rico during a crucial period of national consolidation involving both social and political struggle. Using a comparative framework, Martínez-Fernández looks at the ways in which Protestantism, though officially "illegal" for most of the century, established itself, competed with Catholicism, and took differing paths in Cuba and Puerto Rico. One of the book's main goals is to trace the links between religion and politics, particularly with regard to early Protestant activities. Protestants encountered a complex social, economic, and political landscape both in Cuba and in Puerto Rico and soon found that their very presence, coupled with their demands for freedom of worship and burial rights, involved them in a series of interrelated struggles in which the Catholic Church was embroiled along with the other main forces of the period--the peasantry, the agrarian bourgeoisie, the mercantile bourgeoisie, and the colonial state. While the established Catholic Church increasingly identified with the conservative, pro-slavery, and colonialist causes, newly arrived Protestants tended to be nationalistic and to pursue particular economic activities--such as cigar exportation in Cuba and the sugar industry in Puerto Rico. The author argues that the early Protestant communities reflected the socio-cultural milieus from which they emerged and were profoundly shaped by the economic activities of their congregants. This influence, in turn, shaped not only the congregations' composition, but also their political and social orientations.
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Mexican American Baseball in Orange County
Mexican American Baseball in Orange County
Images of Baseball: Mexican American Baseball in Orange County celebrates the once-vibrant culture of baseball and softball teams from Placentia, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Westminster, San Juan Capistrano, and nearby towns. Baseball allowed men and women to showcase their athletic and leadership skills, engaged family members, and enabled community members to develop social and political networks. Players from the barrios and colonias of La Fábrica, Campo Colorado, La Jolla, Logan, Cypress Street, El Modena, and La Colonia Independencia, among others, affirmed their Mexican and American identities through their sport. Such legendary teams as the Placentia Merchants, the Juveniles of La Habra, the Lionettes de Orange, the Toreros of Westminster, and the Road Kings of Colonia 17th made weekends memorable. Players and their families helped create the economic backbone and wealth evident in Orange County today. This book sheds light on powerful images and stories of the Mexican American community.
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The Malaspina Expedition 1789–1794
The Malaspina Expedition 1789–1794
Among the voyages of exploration and surveying in the late 18th century, that of Alejandro Malaspina best represents the high ideals and scientific interests of the Enlightenment. Italian-born, Malaspina entered the Spanish navy in 1774. In September 1788 he and fellow-officer José Bustamante submitted a plan to the Ministry of Marine for a voyage of survey and inspection to Spanish territories in the Americas and Philippines. The expedition was to produce hydrographic charts for the use of Spanish merchantmen and warships and to report on the political, economic and defensive state of Spain's overseas possessions. The plan was approved and in July 1789 Malaspina and Bustamante sailed from Cádiz in the purpose-built corvettes, Descubierta and Atrevida. On board the vessels were scientists and artists and an array of the latest surveying and astronomical instruments. The voyage lasted more than five years. On his return Malaspina was promoted Brigadier de la Real Armada, and began work on an account of the voyage in seven volumes to dwarf the narratives of his predecessors in the Pacific such as Cook and Bougainville. Among much else, it would contain sweeping recommendations for reform in the governance of Spain's overseas empire. But Malaspina became involved in political intrigue. In November 1795 he was arrested, stripped of his rank and sentenced to life imprisonment. Although released in 1803, Malaspina spent the last seven years of his life in obscure retirement in Italy. He never resumed work on the great edition, and his journal was not published in Spain until 1885. Only in recent years has a multi-volume edition appeared under the auspices of the Museo Naval, Madrid, that does justice to the achievements of what for long was a forgotten voyage. This first volume of a series of three contains Malaspina's diario or journal from 31 July 1789 to 14 December 1790, newly translated into English, with substantial introduction and commentary. Among the places visited and described are Montevideo, Puerto Deseado, Port Egmont, Puerto San Carlos, Valparaíso, Callao, Guayaquil and Panamá. Other texts include Malaspina's introduction to his intended edition, and his correspondence with the Minister of the Marine before and during the voyage.
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The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise
The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise
Scholars, journalists, and politicians uphold Muslim-ruled medieval Spain—“al-Andalus”—as a multicultural paradise, a place where Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in harmony. There is only one problem with this widely accepted account: it is a myth. In this groundbreaking book, Northwestern University scholar Darío Fernández-Morera tells the full story of Islamic Spain. The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise shines light on hidden features of this medieval culture by drawing on an abundance of primary sources that scholars have ignored, as well as archaeological evidence only recently unearthed. This supposed beacon of peaceful coexistence began, of course, with the Islamic Caliphate’s conquest of Spain. Far from a land of tolerance, Islamic Spain was marked by religious and therefore cultural repression in all areas of life, and by the marginalization of Christians and other groups—all this in the service of social control by autocratic rulers and a class of religious authorities. As professors, politicians, and pundits continue to celebrate Islamic Spain for its “multiculturalism” and “diversity,” Fernández-Morera sets the record straight—showing that a politically useful myth is a myth nonetheless.
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Tradiciones infundadas
Tradiciones infundadas
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