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Simon Episcopius' Doctrine of Original Sin
Simon Episcopius' Doctrine of Original Sin
Simon Episcopius (1583-1643), who began his theological career as the protégé of Jacobus Arminius, led the Arminians at the Synod of Dort and was instrumental in guaranteeing Arminianism's survival. This book breaks new ground by clearly showing how, in the process of working out the implications of the theological trajectories which Arminius established, Episcopius introduced significant changes in his master's theology. It begins by demonstrating changes between Episcopius' early theological works and Arminius' writings, and then even greater changes in his mature theological work, Institutiones Theologicæ. It defends the idea that Arminianism represented a pre-Calvinist movement within the Netherlands, which not only rejected Genevan predestination, but also intentionally moved away from Reformed Scholasticism. This book is useful for seminars in early Arminian theology and the Arminian controversy in the Netherlands.
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Charles Doolittle Walcott, Paleontologist
Charles Doolittle Walcott, Paleontologist
This biography of geologist Charles Doolittle Walcott (1850-1927) documents his career and life from birth to his retirement from the US Geological Survey in 1907, when he became Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.
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The Jesus Road
The Jesus Road
In this highly original and moving volume, an anthropologist, a historian, and a Native singer come together to reveal the personal and cultural power of Christian faith among theøKiowas of southwestern Oklahoma and to show how Christian members of the Kiowa community have creatively embraced hymns and made them their own. Kiowas practice a unique expression of Christianity, a blending that began with the arrival of missionaries on the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation in the 1870s. In these pages, historian Clyde Ellis offers a compelling look at the way in which many Kiowas became Christian over the past century and have woven that faith into their identity. The personal and cultural significance of traditional songs and their close connection to the power of hymns is then illuminated by anthropologist Luke Eric Lassiter. Like traditional Kiowa songs, Christian hymns help restore and minister to the community; they also can be highly individualistic since many are composed and shared by church members themselves at different times in their lives. In the final section of the book Kiowa singer Ralph Kotay tells of the personal meaning and value of the hymns and of the Christian faith in general. This remarkable, sensitive book makes an important contribution to our understanding of the complexity of Native lives today and offers a subtle yet penetrating look at the legacy of Christianity among Native peoples.
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The Black Culture Industry
The Black Culture Industry
Cashmore's controversial study argues that black culture has been converted into a commodity, usually in the interests of white owned corporations. Using detailed studies of the marketing of Motown, Michael Jackson and the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, Cashmore suggests that inflating the significance of this commodified 'black culture' may actually be counter-productive in the struggle for racial justice.
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Lucifer Ascending
Lucifer Ascending
Despite their centuries-old history and traditions, witchcraft and magic are still very much a part of modern Anglo-American culture. In Lucifer Ascending, Bill Ellis looks at modern practices that are universally defined as "occult," from commonplace habits such as carrying a rabbit's foot for good luck or using a Ouija board, to more esoteric traditions, such as the use of spell books. In particular, Ellis shows how the occult has been a common element in youth culture for hundreds of years. Using materials from little known publications and archives, Lucifer Ascending details the true social function of individuals' dabbling with the occult. In his survey of what Ellis terms "vernacular occultism," the author is poised on a middle ground between a skeptical point of view that defines belief in witchcraft and Satan as irrational and an interpretation of witchcraft as an underground religion opposing Christianity. Lucifer Ascending examines the occult not as an alternative to religion but rather as a means for ordinary people to participate directly in the mythic realm.
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Novo Nation of Water Worlds
Novo Nation of Water Worlds
The over populated Earth sent forth six explorers to the nearest Universe in search of a planet Earthlings could migrate too. Not only did they discover there was, but on searching the planet, discovered a powerful Space Ship of War and several robots had been waiting for their arrival. As their lives intertwined with the robots and as the Aliens they meet became their friends, they all became Heroes for as they returned back to Earth to only discover an enemy of Novo Nation of Water Worlds was out to eradicate everyone on Earth.
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