Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 2 (Teacher Guide)
This vital resource provides the weekly schedule, assessments, worksheets, and answer keys for grading all assignments from the Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 2 course.Course Overview:The Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology continues as students are given a deeper understanding of God's wonderful design of their bodies. This high school science curriculum explores the digestive system, metabolism, the reproductive system, and special systems which include the blood, lymphatic, immune, urinary, endocrine, and integumentary systems. Students will be amazed as they find answers to these questions and more:How do the correct muscles know how to contract in just the right way to allow us to walk?How can we control the movements of our hands in a very precise fashion so that we can brush our teeth?How can we decipher those funny marks on a printed page, understand that they are letters and punctuation marks, and make sense of them?How can we hear others singing and make our voices match theirs?How does the cereal you had for breakfast become energy?How does the chicken you had for supper provide the amino acids the body needs to build proteins?