Women, State, and Territorial Legislators, 1895-1995
In 1895 Carrie Clyde Holly, Frances S. Klock and Clara Cressingham were elected to the Colorado General Assembly--the first women state legislators in the United States. Two years later Utah elected the first woman state senator, Dr. Martha Hughes Cannon of Salt Lake City. Arranged by state or territories, this is a listing of the nearly 6,000 women who have served in legislatures in the United States. For each state or territory there is a brief history of women in the legislature, giving the date women gained suffrage in the state, the first election in which women voted for legislators, the first female legislator, election information, and a graph showing the electoral history of women legislators. This is followed by a listing of women who have served in the state legislature, giving the city and county from which she was elected, her party affiliation and the years she served.