Healer of Souls
"We all have weaknesses that affect our body, mind, and spirit. But it is our will to overcome them that decides how we live.With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible (Mt 19:26)" - Father Peter Mary Rookey, O.S.M. The healing priest, Father Peter Mary Rookey, O.S.M, received Christs Gift of Healing in 1948. Since then, thousands of healings have been reported worldwide. Witness letters, some with medical consensus, have been submitted to the International Compassion Ministry. When asked about the healings, Father Rookey simply says, "I just do what He told us to do and the people are delivered and healed. We are answering the last command of Jesus, . . . They shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover (Mk 16:18). For the first time, in his own words, Father Rookey explains his lifes journey that has been guided by his constant "Yes" to God. With gentle humor and keen intelligence, Father Rookey provides practical direction of how deepening trust in Gods Laws and Love leads to the healing of serious hurts and the overcoming of lifes most difficult challenges. In the process, Father Rookey says, "Our souls begin to recognize that we belong to Him and He is Love. Ultimately, filled with His Love, we can give the gift of ourselves to Christ and His Love will come forth through us." Nihil Obstat, Rev. Anthony J. Brankin, S.T.L., Imprimatur, Rev. George J. Rassas, Archdiocese of Chicago, November, 2005; " . . .it is all I can do to put it down. There is so much to this book. . . The testimonies of numerous healings are wonderful to read. The insights into Fathers life are also wonderful to read. But perhaps the most important parts of this book deal with his answers to the insightful questions which the author asks. For example, in asking Father about spiritual enslavement, he talked of conversion and turning away from serving Satan toward serving God. Father says, "Thats what we are about in the healing ministry. Although some sickness, for example, is allowed by God to purify us and sanctify us because there is no prayer, no sanctifier, like suffering. Jesus Himself proved that, by suffering terribly and even dying in agony to open the Gates of Heaven for us. There is nothing compared with suffering to sanctify and to be a power for good in the world. . . . This is just a very small example of the wisdom contained in this book from Father Rookeys heart and mind. Often times, I had to reread what he said, it is so beautiful and touching . . . The numerous pictures throughout the book are amazing.. . . . This is the first book I have ever read preparing to do a review that I do not feel qualified to review . . . I have known Father Rookey for many years yet had no idea how brilliant a man he is. I knew he was a holy man but had no idea the depth of his holiness. I knew he healed many people but had no idea how many. . . This book is a treasure." Mary Sue Eck, Editor, Medjugorje Magazine; "I am 3/4 of the way done . . .I am speechless. My prayer life has changed because of this book. I often find myself going through the motions at Mass praying as though I should. This book has helped me reflect on our religion/Mass and the sacraments (especially reconciliation). (The) book about Father Rookey has had a deep impact on me." Jamie; "I think it is the best book so far because of the vast amount of spiritual advice and information. It should be read daily and the various chapters over and over again to absorb them because of the depth and intelligence of the advice." Richard