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Disability, Obesity and Ageing
Disability, Obesity and Ageing
Disability, Obesity and Ageing offers an engaging account of a new area of pressing concern, analysing the way in which ‘spurned’ identities are depicted and reacted to in televisual genres and online forums. Examining the symbolic power of the media, this book presents case studies from drama, situation comedies, reality and documentary television programmes popular in the UK, USA and Australia to shed light on the representation of disability, obesity and ageing, and the manner in which their status as unwanted and unwelcome identities is perpetuated. A theoretically sophisticated exploration of television as a translator of identity, and the exploration of identity categories in allied virtual spaces, this book will be of interest to sociologists, as well as scholars of popular culture, and cultural and media studies.
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Adaptations of Laurence Sterne's Fiction
Adaptations of Laurence Sterne's Fiction
Exploring how readers received and responded to literary works in the long eighteenth century, M-C. Newbould focuses on the role played by Laurence Sterne’s fiction and its adaptations. Literary adaptation flourished throughout the eighteenth century, encouraging an interactive relationship between writers, readers, and artists when well-known works were transformed into new forms across a variety of media. Laurence Sterne offers a particularly dynamic subject: the immense interest provoked by The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman and A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy inspired an unrivalled number and range of adaptations from their initial publication onwards. In placing her examination of Sterneana within the context of its production, Newbould demonstrates how literary adaptation operates across generic and formal boundaries. She breaks new ground by bringing together several potentially disparate aspects of Sterneana belonging to areas of literary studies that include drama, music, travel writing, sentimental fiction and the visual. Her study is a vital resource for Sterne scholars and for readers generally interested in cultural productivity in this period.
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Geography is the study of Earth's landscapes, peoples, places and environments. It is, quite simply, about the world in which we live. Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences (human geography) with the natural sciences (physical geography). Human geography concerns the understanding of the dynamics of cultures, societies and economies, and physical geography concerns the understanding of the dynamics of physical landscapes and the environment. Geography puts this understanding of social and physical processes within the context of places and regions - recognizing the great differences in cultures, political systems, economies, landscapes and environments across the world and the links between them.
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Ritual and Conflict: The Social Relations of Childbirth in Early Modern England
Ritual and Conflict: The Social Relations of Childbirth in Early Modern England
This book places childbirth in early-modern England within a wider network of social institutions and relationships. Starting with illegitimacy - the violation of the marital norm - it proceeds through marriage to the wider gender-order and so to the ‘ceremony of childbirth’, the popular ritual through which women collectively controlled this, the pivotal event in their lives. Focussing on the seventeenth century, but ranging from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, this study offers a new viewpoint on such themes as the patriarchal family, the significance of illegitimacy, and the structuring of gender-relations in the period.
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Professionalism, Professional Values & Ethics Including Bioethics
Professionalism, Professional Values & Ethics Including Bioethics
Explore the e-Book version of 'Professionalism, Professional Values & Ethics Including Bioethics' for B.Sc Nursing 4th Semester, precisely aligned with the INC Syllabus. Dive into the world of professionalism, ethical principles, and bioethics with this digital edition. Published with meticulous attention to detail, this e-Book offers a comprehensive exploration of the subject. Upgrade your learning experience with the convenience and affordability of an e-Book. Get your copy today and embark on a journey of enhanced understanding and ethical nursing practices.
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Four Weeks to Healthier Relationships
Four Weeks to Healthier Relationships
This manual will improve readers' relationships with friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers--one relationship at a time. The powerful journey takes only four weeks to start building and enjoying healthier interaction.
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The Locusts
The Locusts
The book title comes from Aubrey Bells Portugal of the Portuguese (1916): Since the murder of King Carlos and of the Crown Prince Luis Felipe on the 1st of February 1908. A swarm of writers have descended like locusts on the land The methodology is to connect a specific group of critics in the years before the First World War to a constellation of general attitudes about Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking world. Intersecting personal narratives are used, not as an argument for individual agency as dominant cause of historical change, but as contrasting discourses upon revisited events. The primary focus is to explain how the critical context of Portugals history that incubated The Locusts crystalised into the pressure group to free political prisoners. A key part of that context was the extant campaign against Portuguese slavery in West Africa. E. M. Tenison, the Secretary of the British Protest Committee, left a unique 200-page unpublished personal memoir, previously unconsulted by any published historian. The historiography of the First Republic in English is slight. There are no comparative studies in book form, just a few scholarly articles on diplomacy alone (for example. by Glyn Stone, Richard Langhorne). And likewise, there is no study of Anglo-Portuguese relations from below, i.e. popular pressure to influence government policy. British Critics of Portugal before the First World War problematises Anglo-Portuguese relations around the concept forwarded by Amilcar Cabral, and others, that Portuguese colonialism was the colonialism of the semi-colonised. It makes a broader contribution to the study of empires, and to the causes of the First World War in AngloPortugueseGerman relations.
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Arkansas Civil War Heritage
Arkansas Civil War Heritage
The American Civil War shaped the course of the country's history and its national identity. This is no less true for the state of Arkansas. Throughout the Natural State, people have paid homage and remembrance to those who fought and what was fought for in memorial celebrations and rituals. The memory of the war has been kept alive by reunions and preservationists, continuing to shape the way the War Between the States affects Arkansas and its people. Historian W. Stuart Towns expertly tells the story of Arkansas's Civil War heritage through its rituals of memorial, commemoration and celebration that continue today.
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A History of Women in 100 Objects
A History of Women in 100 Objects
The history of the world has been told in objects. But what about the objects that tell the history of women? What are the items that symbolise the journey of women from second-class citizens with no legal rights, no vote and no official status to the powerful people they are today? And what are the objects that still oppress women, even now? From the corset to the contraceptive pill, the bones of the first woman to Rosa Parks's mugshot and the iconic Mary Quant cape, A History of Women in 100 Objects documents the developing role of women in society through the lens of the inanimate objects that touched women's lives, were created by women or that at some time – perhaps even still – oppressed them. Woven by two leading historians, this complex, fascinating and vital tale of women and womanhood is told with a lightness of touch and depth of experience that will appeal to all those interested in women's history.
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