Practical Problems In Financial Accounting [ B. Com. Ist Year]
4. Double Entry System (Rules of Debit and credit), 5. Sub Division of Journal : Subsidiary Books (Cash Book and Other Subsidiary Books), 6. Accounting process Recording of Business Transactions : Journal, 7. Ledger (Including Rules Of Posting), 8. Trial Balance, 9. Capital and Revenue, 10. Final Accounts-with Adjustment, 11. Rectification of Errors, 12. Accounting of Non-Trading or Not-For-Profit Organisations/Institutions, 13. Depreciation, 14. Provision, Reserves and Funds, 15. Hire-Purchase system, 16. Instalment Payment system, 17. Dissolution of a Partnership Firm-1, 18. Dissolution of a Partnership Firm-2, 19. Dissolution of a Partnership Firm-3, 20. Sale of Partnership Firm/Conversion into Company, 21. Amalgamation of Partnership Firms, 22. Single Entry System or Accounting From Incomplete Records, 23. Joint Venture Accounts, 24. Consignment Accounts, 25. Branch Accounting.