The Fires of Israel
HH This is a book of the memoirs of Rabbi Yisroel Dov Odesser o.b.m, known affectionately as Saba Yisroel, who passed away not so long ago, almost hundred years old. In his lifetime the world went through a tremendous metamorphosis, famine and war plagued the world from the outside, and from the inside reigned all types of servitude and social injustice. Even any personal recounting of these huge upheavals would be fascinating, but Saba Yisroel takes things to an altogether different paradigm, sharing with the reader his passionate heart which didn't take the affairs lying down, but confronted his fate head on, with unfathomable courage. Saba recounts what he suffered and endured, and what he merited to learn in his very blood, life lessons which are impossible to impart except by keenly experiencing them first hand or by very strong connected association - to really empathize, feel, and relate to those that ran the gamut - and this is what Saba affords the reader - a chance to really connect with him, and with this the reader is empowered and emboldened to rise up and surmount the challenges of life, the constraints that wish to shackle him and keep him GF unaccomplished in small minded consciousness at best - or utterly devastate and pull him down to the lowest behavior and being. Saba Yisroel gives renewed hope to persevere, to hold out, to build the desire and the working to eventually really pull through and make it to the top. Saba Yisroel's went through the most trying pressures and challenges, just to stay loyal to the truth he had found and was searching for, always praying, trying, seeking with all his might to get every closer, to the eternal tachlis - ultimate purpose. These transcripts were said over to people who were no strangers to the issues at hand, they were Breslover Chasidim who understood a little the colossal obstacles and impediments that most people don't even consider surmountable, and thus Saba was able to go a little more in depth, a shade more of nuance and expression, to give them to understand what it is a person must undergo and how much tenacity and resolution is needed to master oneself and the life he is given. Along the way Saba Yisroel shares the most remarkable memories of events and holy special people of those times of yore. Saba Yisroel merited to completely abnegate himself to the holy tzaddik Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, and the entire tradition of Breslov was passed down to him, and he is the vital key transmitter of the traditions of Breslov to our generation and all future generation. Saba received the legacy in the direct link of primary disciples, generation after generation directly from Rabbi Nachman, and in addition he collected everything that was possible to be gleaned from other disciples, hearing it from them first hand in the most personal manner. Saba was not just a repository of information, but the living epitome of the values and aspirations of a true follower of Rabbi Nachman. Today, if one really desires to know what it means to be a true adherent to the holy ways, remedies, and directives of Rabbi Nachman one must turn to Saba Yisroel, to see what it's all about, and to get the correct understanding, direction, and guidance, and to get the urgent encouragement which is essential and critical especially for one who has entered and has taken up the task of living the truth, happiness, and holiness of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman! In addition this book includes the entire booklet of: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov; Who He Was and What He Said, which gives over close to 100 important teachings of Rabbi Nachman to get a better picture of what Breslov is about. It also contains the most user friendly and accurate transliteration of the Tikun Haklali - the general/comprehensive rectification which Rabbi Nachman revealed and is known and established to do its part. Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!