When Love Comes to Call
The legendary myth about Sisyphus who defied the gods is the basic story of my life. Sisyphus was condemned to roll a stone up to a hill top, but then the stone would roll back down, and he was obliged to roll it back up again over and over. I also defied the Creator and walked various paths not acceptable to my accepted Creator. How was I to know if a Creator existed? Who in this life was going to prove His reality to me? Did all that which exists that's round and about us just happened to appear one day? Before I went in search of an ultimate truth like a Creator or the hereafter, I knew a level of ignorance, but we are all ignorant; it's only a matter of degree. I needed to learn English and written sentence structure and to understand syntax and comma placement before I could begin to offer my acceptable truth that I had found. What is my truth? "It makes no difference whatever if a Divine Creator or the hereafter or Paradise are real or exist. Supposing we simply die and there is the end to it; we'll sleep forever. What is critical, is that we live our lives as if He is real and there is a hereafter and Paradise. If we must sleep forever without benefit of glory and Paradise, by living moral lives, we can leave an image of morality and kindness behind us for others to follow. We lose nothing either way." I have my version of truth, and I'll take it with me when the Angel of death calls to me. You may take your accepted truth with you as well. When love comes to call, we need to answer that call.