Don’t Fret
“Don’s book is a rare example of combining a sound theological and biblical approach to worship with really practical how-to guidance. Everybody involved in corporate worship should read it.” ~ Greg Anderson, Anglican Bishop of the Northern Territory “From worship leader responsibilities, to testing cables, Don has it covered. I’ve rarely seen these things brought together so comprehensively, yet so accessibly.” ~ Craig Bailey, Director of Leadership, Uniting College Nobody knows the Sunday struggle quite like you do. You’ve been up all night getting your service ready, only to have things fall apart piece-by-piece the following morning. And just when you think everything is sorted, your guitar string breaks. Don’t fret. Throughout these pages you’ll find practical advice on worship that you can refer to when your sheet music falls in a heap. Discover tried-and-tested secrets for service planning, direction and flow, as well as the ever-important skills of music presentation, on-stage ministry and service leadership, with the theology to back it all up. Don’t Fret is an organised, quick-to-read and informative guide on the shaping and presentation of worship in Australia today.