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The Music Has Gone Out of the Movement
The Music Has Gone Out of the Movement
After the passage of sweeping civil rights and voting rights legislation in 1964 and 1965, the civil rights movement stood poised to build on considerable momentum. In a famous speech at Howard University in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared that victory in the next battle for civil rights would be measured in "equal results" rather than equal rights and opportunities. It seemed that for a brief moment the White House and champions of racial equality shared the same objectives and priorities. Finding common ground proved elusive, however, in a climate of growing social and political unrest marked by urban riots, the Vietnam War, and resurgent conservatism. Examining grassroots movements and organizations and their complicated relationships with the federal government and state authorities between 1965 and 1968, David C. Carter takes readers through the inner workings of local civil rights coalitions as they tried to maintain strength within their organizations while facing both overt and subtle opposition from state and federal officials. He also highlights internal debates and divisions within the White House and the executive branch, demonstrating that the federal government's relationship to the movement and its major goals was never as clear-cut as the president's progressive rhetoric suggested. Carter reveals the complex and often tense relationships between the Johnson administration and activist groups advocating further social change, and he extends the traditional timeline of the civil rights movement beyond the passage of the Voting Rights Act.
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Henry Clay
Henry Clay
He was the Great Compromiser, a canny and colorful legislator whose life mirrors the story of America from its founding until the eve of the Civil War. Speaker of the House, senator, secretary of state, five-time presidential candidate, and idol to the young Abraham Lincoln, Henry Clay is captured in full at last in this rich and sweeping biography. David S. Heidler and Jeanne T. Heidler present Clay in his early years as a precocious, witty, and optimistic Virginia farm boy who at the age of twenty transformed himself into an attorney. The authors reveal Clay’s tumultuous career in Washington, including his participation in the deadlocked election of 1824 that haunted him for the rest of his career, and shine new light on Clay’s marriage to plain, wealthy Lucretia Hart, a union that lasted fifty-three years and produced eleven children. Featuring an inimitable supporting cast including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Abraham Lincoln, Henry Clay is beautifully written and replete with fresh anecdotes and insights. Horse trader and risk taker, arm twister and joke teller, Henry Clay was the consummate politician who gave ground, made deals, and changed the lives of millions.
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The Rise of Andrew Jackson
The Rise of Andrew Jackson
The story of Andrew Jackson's improbable ascent to the White House, centered on the handlers and propagandists who made it possible Andrew Jackson was volatile and prone to violence, and well into his forties his sole claim on the public's affections derived from his victory in a thirty-minute battle at New Orleans in early 1815. Yet those in his immediate circle believed he was a great man who should be president of the United States. Jackson's election in 1828 is usually viewed as a result of the expansion of democracy. Historians David and Jeanne Heidler argue that he actually owed his victory to his closest supporters, who wrote hagiographies of him, founded newspapers to savage his enemies, and built a political network that was always on message. In transforming a difficult man into a paragon of republican virtue, the Jacksonites exploded the old order and created a mode of electioneering that has been mimicked ever since.
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Inside Out
Inside Out
This book is written for my sons and is a patchwork of my thoughts, prayers, journal entries, and emails. These emails, etc. were written to family, friends, and the youth group students I have had the privilege of getting to know and love for the past 25 years. Some of the questions I get are about creation/evolution, the deity of Christ, the end times as well as personal issues such as sexual purity, and how to live a holy life. Part of the book is also about the journey God has brought me through in my personal life. My hope is that however God uses this book, that it pleases and glorifies Him.
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North Carolina, 1780-'81
North Carolina, 1780-'81
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White Bolts, Black Locks
White Bolts, Black Locks
Originally published in 1986, White Bolts, Black Locks was a major contribution to the national debate about racism, racial justice and the relationships between the white and black British. It examines the participation of black people in community activities, and the effects on that participation of personal and institutional forms of racism. This thought-provoking and readable book has much to say to white and black professionals who work together, for the author describes the way in which ‘white speak’ and ‘black speak’ are used to build self-protective stockades. David Thomas explores the idea of community capability, and how black and white neighbours try to live together and improve their livelihood. He presents stimulating material about neighbourhoods, and suggests why they must be given more recognition as a proper part of the social structure. The book will still be of historical interest to practitioners, volunteers and local residents working in urban neighbourhoods, and to students in social work, community development, politics, sociology and social policy and administration. It is a book that should not be ignored by anyone with an interest in the significance of neighbourhood processes and development.
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Black Judas
Black Judas
William Hannibal Thomas (1843–1935) served with distinction in the U.S. Colored Troops in the Civil War (in which he lost an arm) and was a preacher, teacher, lawyer, state legislator, and journalist following Appomattox. In many publications up through the 1890s, Thomas espoused a critical though optimistic black nationalist ideology. After his mid-twenties, however, Thomas began exhibiting a self-destructive personality, one that kept him in constant trouble with authorities and always on the run. His book The American Negro (1901) was his final self-destructive act. Attacking African Americans in gross and insulting language in this utterly pessimistic book, Thomas blamed them for the contemporary “Negro problem” and argued that the race required radical redemption based on improved “character,” not changed “color.” Vague in his recommendations, Thomas implied that blacks should model themselves after certain mulattoes, most notably William Hannibal Thomas. Black Judas is a biography of Thomas, a publishing history of The American Negro, and an analysis of that book’s significance to American racial thought. The book is based on fifteen years of research, including research in postamputation trauma and psychoanalytic theory on selfhatred, to assess Thomas’s metamorphosis from a constructive race critic to a black Negrophobe. John David Smith argues that his radical shift resulted from key emotional and physical traumas that mirrored Thomas’s life history of exposure to white racism and intense physical pain.
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Money and Schools
Money and Schools
For both aspiring and experienced education leaders in school budgeting, finance, and resource management courses, Money and Schools explains and demonstrates the relationship between money and equality of educational opportunity. Grounded in research and best practices, this book provides a broad overview of school finance, budgeting, and resource allocation, as well as a detailed examination of day-to-day funding operations. This accessible and engaging book offers strong connections to real-world experiences and detailed information on pre-K–12 funding history, concepts, and current operations. New to this edition: • Cutting edge research on the relationship of money and student learning outcomes, alterations to state aid distribution formulas, new federal education initiatives, and a changing landscape in school finance litigation. • New concepts that have gained traction since the last edition of the book, including school choice and privatization, Common Core State Standards, value-added teacher evaluation, and growth of online options at the K–12 level. • Updated end-of-chapter activities and additional resources that are aligned with the key concepts and content of each chapter. • Online instructor resources
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