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Offered in print, online, and downloadable formats, this updated edition of Stroke: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management delivers convenient access to the latest research findings and management approaches for cerebrovascular disease. Picking up from where J. P. Mohr and colleagues left off, a new team of editors - Drs. Grotta, Albers, Broderick, Kasner, Lo, Mendelow, Sacco, and Wong - head the sixth edition of this classic text, which is authored by the world's foremost stroke experts. Comprehensive, expert clinical guidance enables you to recognize the clinical manifestations of stroke, use the latest laboratory and imaging studies to arrive at a diagnosis, and generate an effective medical and surgical treatment plan. Abundant full-color CT images and pathology slides help you make efficient and accurate diagnoses. Data from late-breaking endovascular trials equips you with recent findings. Includes comprehensive coverage of advances in molecular biology of cell death; risk factors and prevention; advances in diagnostics and stroke imaging; and therapeutic options, including a thorough review of thrombolytic agents and emerging data for endovascular therapy. Features brand-new chapters on Intracellular Signaling: Mediators and Protective Responses; The Neurovascular Unit and Responses to Ischemia; Mechanisms of Cerebral Hemorrhage; Stroke Related to Surgery and Other Procedures; Cryptogenic Stroke; and Interventions to Improve Recovery after Stroke. Highlights new information on genetic risk factors; primary prevention of stroke; infectious diseases and stroke; recovery interventions such as robotics, brain stimulation, and telerehabilitation; and trial design. Details advances in diagnostic tests, such as ultrasound, computed tomography (including CT angiography and CT perfusion), MRI (including MR perfusion techniques), and angiography. Includes extracted and highlighted evidence levels. Expert Consult eBook version included with print purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references on a variety of devices. The content can also be downloaded to tablets and smart phones for offline use. Combat stroke with the most comprehensive and updated multimedia resource on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of stroke from leaders in the field
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Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Since 1985, scientists have been documenting a hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico each year. The hypoxic zone, an area of low dissolved oxygen that cannot s- port marine life, generally manifests itself in the spring. Since marine species either die or ee the hypoxic zone, the spread of hypoxia reduces the available habitat for marine species, which are important for the ecosystem as well as commercial and recreational shing in the Gulf. Since 2001, the hypoxic zone has averaged 2 1 16,500 km during its peak summer months , an area slightly larger than the state 2 2 of Connecticut, and ranged from a low of 8,500 km to a high of 22,000 km . To address the hypoxia problem, the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force (or Task Force) was formed to bring together represen- tives from federal agencies, states, and tribes to consider options for responding to hypoxia. The Task Force asked the White House Of ce of Science and Technology Policy to conduct a scienti c assessment of the causes and consequences of Gulf hypoxia through its Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR).
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The Fall of the House of Labor
The Fall of the House of Labor
This book studies the changing ways in which American industrial workers mobilised concerted action in their own interests between the abolition of slavery and the end of open immigration from Europe and Asia. Sustained class conflict between 1916 and 1922 reshaped governmental and business policies, but left labour largely unorganised and in retreat. The House of Labor, so arduously erected by working-class activists during the preceeding generation, did not collapse, but ossified, so that when labour activism was reinvigorated after 1933, the movement split in two. These developments are analysed here in ways which stress the links between migration, neighbourhood life, racial subjugation, business reform, the state, and the daily experience of work itself.
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The Search for Negotiated Peace
The Search for Negotiated Peace
The First World War was an epic event of huge proportions that lasted over four years and involved the armies of more than twenty nations, resulting in 30 million casualties, including more than 8 million killed. Set against the backdrop of this massive carnage, The Search for Negotiated Peace is the gripping story of the events that moved high profile American and European citizens, particularly women, into the international peace movement. This small, transatlantic network put forth proposals for changing the international system of negotiation. They supported non-annexationist war aims and attempted to discredit nations’ secret diplomacy, militarism and narrowly nationalistic practices. Instead, they wanted to develop a ‘new diplomacy.’ David Patterson skillfully develops the interactions of many of the notable leaders of the movement, including Jane Addams, Aletta Jacobs, and Rosika Schwimmer, into an absorbing narrative that brings together the various strands of women's history, international diplomatic history, and peace history for the first time. The Search for Negotiated Peace is an essential read for anyone interested in the social history of World War I and the foundations of citizen activism today.
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Debating War
Debating War
What arguments have critics of American wars and interventions put forward, and what arguments do they currently employ? Thomas Jefferson, Henry Thoreau, John Calhoun, the Anti-Imperialist League, Herbert Hoover, Charles Lindbergh, Martin Luther King Jr., and Ron Paul (among others) have criticized proposals to intervene in other countries, enter wars, acquire foreign territory, and engage in a forward defense posture. Despite cogent objections, they have also generally lost the argument. Why do they lose? This book provides answers to these questions through a survey of oppositional arguments over time, augmented by the views of contemporary critics, including those of Ron Paul, Chalmers Johnson and Noam Chomsky. Author David J. Lorenzo demonstrates how and why a significant number of arguments are dismissed as irrelevant, unpatriotic, overly pessimistic, or radically out of the mainstream. Other lines of reasoning might provide a compelling critique of wars and interventions from a wide variety of perspectives – and still lose. Evaluating oppositional arguments in detail allows the reader to understand problems likely to be faced in the context of policy discussions, to grasp important political differences and the potential for alliances among critics, and ultimately to influence decision-making and America’s place in the international power structure.
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Asymmetric Synthetic Methodology
Asymmetric Synthetic Methodology
This comprehensive text presents a critical discussion of the scopes and limitations of various organic synthetic methodologies that are available for performing asymmetric transformations. In addition to purely chemical methods, the book covers applications of new enzymes and other biological systems that are increasingly useful in asymmetric methodology.
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Clinical Pediatric Neurology
Clinical Pediatric Neurology
This new edition fills an important gap in the literature by providing a concise treatment of pediatric neurology that focuses on the most commonly seen diseases with clinical guidelines that help today« busy practitioner find answers quickly. The book is divided into three sections starting with the tools required for a pediatric neurologic evaluation, then moving through classic disease states and disorders with the last section focusing on approaches to key clinical problems in children and adolescents. Each section is edited by the key opinion leaders in the field with dynamic features that get to the information quickly including: Tools for diagnosis Chapter opening outlines Disease "Features" tables "Pearls and Perils" boxes "Consider Consultation When« " boxes Selected annotated bibliographies Key Clinical Questions
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