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War, State, and Society in England and the Netherlands 1477-1559
War, State, and Society in England and the Netherlands 1477-1559
"Comparing England and the Netherlands in the age of warrior princes such as Henry VIII and Charles V, the book examines the development of new military and fiscal institutions, and asks how mobilzation for war changed political relationships throughout society." --Résumé de l'éditeur.
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Fundamentals of Molecular Mycology
Fundamentals of Molecular Mycology
Fundamentals of Molecular Mycology provides a complete overview of recent developments and applications in molecular mycology. It serves as a comprehensive guide for the identification of fungi and the application of fungal biomolecules in agriculture, food, environment, and pharmaceutical sectors by providing detailed information about application
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The Structure of Rare-earth Metal Surfaces
The Structure of Rare-earth Metal Surfaces
The Structure of Rare-Earth Metal Surfaces introduces the concepts of surface crystallography and surface-structure determination, outlines the principles of the most widely used experimental techniques and theoretical simulations, and reviews their application to the surfaces of rare-earth metals. In particular, the results of quantitative low-energy electron-diffraction experiments and multiple-scattering calculations axe covered in some depth. The book is aimed at science graduates with an interest in surface crystallography.
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Applied Logistic Regression
Applied Logistic Regression
A new edition of the definitive guide to logistic regression modeling for health science and other applications This thoroughly expanded Third Edition provides an easily accessible introduction to the logistic regression (LR) model and highlights the power of this model by examining the relationship between a dichotomous outcome and a set of covariables. Applied Logistic Regression, Third Edition emphasizes applications in the health sciences and handpicks topics that best suit the use of modern statistical software. The book provides readers with state-of-the-art techniques for building, interpreting, and assessing the performance of LR models. New and updated features include: A chapter on the analysis of correlated outcome data A wealth of additional material for topics ranging from Bayesian methods to assessing model fit Rich data sets from real-world studies that demonstrate each method under discussion Detailed examples and interpretation of the presented results as well as exercises throughout Applied Logistic Regression, Third Edition is a must-have guide for professionals and researchers who need to model nominal or ordinal scaled outcome variables in public health, medicine, and the social sciences as well as a wide range of other fields and disciplines.
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Get Real About Sex
Get Real About Sex
“Up-to-date and accessible, this book manages to be both theoretically subtle and attuned to the realities of classroom practice.†Dr Rachel Thomson, The Open University "[This] book is a great success and provides a wealth of insights into the realities of teaching and being taught about sex and relationships." Michael Reiss, Institute of Education What are the different values and perspectives on sex and relationship education within a single secondary school? How do young people think sex education should be taught? What are the challenges facing the provision of good sex and relationship education at the classroom level and at the political level? Young people often receive mixed messages about gender and sexual relationships. When providing sex education lessons, schools should take into account different ideas and values, including the general British embarrassment over intimate matters and differing political and personal views about sex education. This book combines young people’s views of sex education, schooling and parenthood, with those of teachers, school nurses and head-teachers. It brings together these varied perspectives and considers how they reveal different values, aims and agendas. The authors highlight the potential conflict between approaches to education and health, and reveal the complexity of dealing with sexuality and gender in real-life situations. Focusing on young people’s identities in the classroom, contemporary theoretical approaches in the social sciences are employed to explore how gender is enacted and experienced by individuals, and how social pressures and government agendas operate at the level of the individual. This book contains original, first-hand empirical material from a detailed study of all the schools in one English city, and offers a critical analysis of broader political and cultural ideas and values. Get Real About Sexis key reading for students and professionals in education, health and the sociology of gender and sexuality.
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Transport Planning
Transport Planning
An invaluable source book, Transport Planning describes the evolution of transport planning and provides a clear account of its strengths and weaknesses, how it relates to actual policy decisions, and where it is likely to go in the future.
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Sample Sizes for Clinical, Laboratory and Epidemiology Studies
Sample Sizes for Clinical, Laboratory and Epidemiology Studies
Ein fundiertes Referenzwerk zu den statistischen Instrumenten und Softwareprogrammen, die für das Design und die Planung klinischer Studien erforderlich sind. Die erweiterte 4. Auflage von Sample Sizes for Clinical, Laboratory and Epidemiology Studies beinhaltet eine Sample-Size-Software (SSS), Formeln und nummerische Tabellen für die Gestaltung valider klinischer Studien. Das Fachbuch behandelt ebenfalls Labor- und epidemiologische Studien und stellt die Informationen zur Verfügung, damit Studien einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur medizinischen Forschung leisten. Die Autoren, allesamt anerkannte Experten des Fachgebiets, erläutern und untersuchen Schritt für Schritt die vielfältigen Überlegungen bei der Festlegung geeigneter Stichprobengrößen und helfen so bei der Planung von Studien. Bereitgestellt werden ebenfalls Stichprobentabellen mit Erläuterungen und aussagekräftige Beispiele auf der Basis von Echtdaten. Darüber hinaus enthält das Fachbuch ein Literaturverweise und Angaben zu weiterführenden Referenzen zur Unterstützung der vorgestellten Prinzipien. Diese überarbeitete 4. Auflage - ist das bislang einzige Referenzwerk mit einem Softwareprogramm für die Gestaltung und Planung klinischer Studien. - enthält neue und erweiterte Kapitel mit einer Vielzahl neuer und aktualisierter Beispiele. - erläutert verständlich die angewandten Prinzipien und Methoden anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis. - präsentiert auf nachvollziehbare Weise ein komplexes und dennoch wichtiges Thema, damit die richtigen Methoden verwendet werden und fundierte Ergebnisse veröffentlicht werden können. - bietet Hilfestellung von einem Team international anerkannter Statistikexperten im medizinischen Bereich. Sample Sizes for Clinical, Laboratory and Epidemiology Studies richtet sich an medizinische Forscher aller Disziplinen sowie an Medizinstatistiker. Die aktualisierte 4. Auflage ist ein wichtiges Referenzwerk für die Gestaltung und Planung verlässlicher, evidenzbasierter klinischer Studien.
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Kucers' The Use of Antibiotics Sixth Edition
Kucers' The Use of Antibiotics Sixth Edition
'I am unaware of any textbook which provides such comprehensive coverage of the field and doubt that this work will be surpassed in the foreseeable future, if ever!' From the foreword by Robert C. Moellering, Jr., M.D, Shields Warren-Mallinckrodt Professor of Medical Research, Harvard Medical School, USA Kucers' The Use of Antibiotics is the leading major reference work in this vast and rapidly developing field. More than doubled in length compared to the fifth edition, the sixth edition comprises 3000 pages over 2-volumes in order to cover all new and existing therapies, and emerging drugs not yet fully licensed. Concentrating on the treatment of infectious diseases, the content is divided into 4 sections: antibiotics, anti-fungal drugs, anti-parasitic drugs and anti-viral drugs, and is highly structured for ease of reference.Within each section, each chapter is structured to cover susceptibility, formulations and dosing (adult and paediatric), pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, toxicity and drug distribution, detailed discussion regarding clinical uses, a feature unique to this title. Compiled by an expanded team of internationally renowned and respected editors, with a vast number of contributors spanning Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, the US and Canada, the sixth edition adopts a truly global approach. It will remain invaluable for anyone using antimicrobial agents in their clinical practice and provides in a systematic and concise manner all the information required when treating infections requiring antimicrobial therapy. Kucers' The Use of Antibiotics is available free to purchasers of the books as an electronic version on line or on your desktop: It provides access to the entire 2-volume print material It is fully searchable, so you can find the relevant information you need quickly Live references are linked to PubMed referring you to the latest journal material Customise the contents - you can highlight sections and make notes Comments can be shared with colleagues/tutors for discussion, teaching and learning The text can also be reflowed for ease of reading Text and illustrations copied will be automatically referenced to Kucers' The Use of Antibiotics
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Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry, Second Edition, Revised, and Expanded
Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry, Second Edition, Revised, and Expanded
This text details the principal concepts and developments in wood science, chemistry and technology. It includes new chapters on the chemical synthesis of cellulose and its technology, preservation of wood resources and the conservation of waterlogged wood.
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