The Jacobites of Angus, 1689-1746
The French and Indain War of 1756-1763, in particular, led to significant recruitment in Scotland for service in the American colonies. The experience gained by these soldiers was to influence their decision to settle or emigrate, subsequently, to America. Not surprisingly, the massive increase in emigration to America from the Scottish Highlands that occurred in the decade of the French and Indian War resulted to some extent from the influence of returning soldiers. For this book, Scottish emigration authority David Dobson identified over a thousand Scottish solders in colonial America. The list of soldiers is arranged alphabetically and, while the descriptions vary widely, the researcher will discover some or all of the following information in each one: soldier's name, rank, military unit, date(s) and campaign(s) of service, place of birth, when arrived in North America, civilian occupation, date and place of death, and the source of the information.