The Engineering of Consent
There are many people and many authors who believe that civilization, mankind or our species has amnesia. I do not believe this. I believe we have been lied to since the beginning of recorded history and even before that. The first half of this book is about our four previous civilizations, and the ‘out of place artifacts’ and knowledge that has been hidden, debunked, lost or forgotten, such as the giant skeletons recorded in most newspapers in the 19th century, recorded Indian Vimanas that flew powered by a spinning plasma engines in 7,000 BCE, as well as flying ‘Aeros’ in Bavaria and the Western United States. It is about the Cro-Magnon giants of the Atlantean civilization escaping to the area of the Caucasus Mountains, Northern Africa, the Canary Islands and the East Coast of the Americas during the Solar System cataclysm in 10,900 BCE. It is about that same tall Atlantean Aryan (Iranian) race with blue eyes and red and blonde hair that migrated from the Caucasus mountains and became the ruling class from China to Egypt. It is also the story of the stealing, destroying, hiding and perverting the occult and lost knowledge of the ‘Brotherhood’ by the High-priests of Egypt, known as the Scarlet Council, so that only they could control who could become part of their ‘New Brotherhood’. That ancient knowledge was also perverted by the addition of the Jewish Kabbalah, a mixture of alchemy, numerology, gematria and magic, as well as, by the Alumbrados, an emerging occult movement founded by Spanish Marranos. The members were baptized Jews who secretly kept their Telmudic faith. Also, the Khazars, Krypto Jews from near the Black Sea, with their knowledge of Babylonian black magic and money magic perverted the Mysteries. This confusing jumble was added to the existing Egyptian Osiris-Isis-Horus Cult, which was the basis of Freemasonry, which was infiltrated by Adam Weishaupt and his 2000 members, along with the Jesuits and the Vatican. This became the ‘New Illuminati’. Finally, it is about the control of the masses by religion and by the alchemy of social engineering to manipulate the masses through disinformation, brainwashing, and the fear of terror. It uses mass death rituals like 9/11 and public assassination rituals such as that of JFK for shock value. The use of this alchemical social engineering is used in the engineering of consent in order to ‘protect’ the masses from the terror and hopelessness, that the ‘Brotherhood’, itself, has created. This culture of control can also be seen by the use of political correctness, the additional attempts to limit free speech and the creation of hopelessness, mistrust and eugenics by lockdowns, masks, quarantines, and forced use of untested injections. Remember the Nuremberg Code and Never Again? That was a lie, as well. We are living it that lie.