The Suffering of Chasing Dreams
If you really and truly want God in your life, you owe it to yourself to read this book. This story is about a young boy who sufferedand still sufferingchasing dreams and facing a lot of suffering along the way, and how he achieved most of his dreams. After fifty-five years of his life, he came to find Jesus Christ even though he came from an extremely dysfunctional family, feeling rejected, not loved, was sexually, physically, and verbally abused. He faced the nasty words from his father, You are way too stupid and black and ugly. Youll never amount to anything! Those nasty words from his father were the words that motivated young Danny to execute his dreams. At the tender age of ten, Danny was put into the juvenile hall for incorrigible boys. But after three long years, he was released and became a matador (bullfighter) in Tijuana, Mexico; prizefighter, Rodeo Brahma bull rider and bareback bronco rider; professional roller skating derby skater for thirty-two years, a professional Texas bounty hunter; a repo man; a successful entrepreneur, was in a few motion pictures and Hispanic soap opera called Padres con Poder; and an author. Danny also spent five years in prison, and thats how he found our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and his ordained minister wife Dharma. She came to the prison to minister to seven hundred inmates, and thats how Danny met her. Dannys partner, Jane P. Peterson, was killed in an arrest attempt. His son was shot, and his house was bombed. Danny had been shot and stabbed multiple times and was left in a coma for seven days in an attempted arrest as a bounty hunter. And while he was in a coma, Danny had his second Christian spiritual experience with God. The first spiritual encounter was in the juvenile hall. The story you are about to read may seem like fiction or something out of a movie script. If you enjoyed the books Divine Revelations of Hell, by Mary K. Baxter, or Proof of Heaven, by Dr. Eden Alexander, or the movies Forrest Gump or Walking Tall, then youll love reading this book. Ninety-five percent of what you will read in this book is true. All of the names have been changed to protect the innocent. God bless.