95 Reasons America Loves President Trump
Like the world renowned German Reformer, Martin Luther, President Donald Trump has completely reformed American politics! Like Martin Luther, his amazing intellect, his unsurpassed boldness and his hilarious bluntness has created a massive army of conservatives who love their beloved statesman. With a Christian conservative perspective, Evangelist Stephen White chronicles the remarkable life of President Trump into four chapters. In chapters one and two, the author lists President Trump's success as a national icon being mentioned positively over 300 times in hip-hop songs. He appeared in multiple cameos in sitcoms and movies. Donald Trump was admired, respected and honored as he was interviewed by the liberal women of The View 18 times, Barbara Walters, CNN, Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres. Chapter three focuses on Trump annihilating his Republican competition and ultimately his opponent, Hillary Clinton, as the 45th President of the United States. Chapter four discusses Trump's many accomplishments as President: Rescuing American prisoners overseas, signing more executive orders than any previous president, making the USA energy independent, his quick response to the Covid-19 pandemic, his leadership during the George Floyd destruction, his victorious debates with Senator Biden and his response to the stolen election of 2020. The book concludes when President Donald Trump leaves office on January 20, 2021. Paperback.. 100 pages.