Reducing C02 and other emissions from shipping
The emission of greenhouse gases from shipping is a serious problem for international climate change policy and they cannot be allowed to grow uncontrolled. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has estimated that international shipping was responsible for annual emissions of around 843 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (MtCO2) in 2007, or around 3 per cent of total man-made carbon emissions. This report follows up an earlier inquiry (Reducing carbon emissions from transport, HC 981-I, 9th report of session 2005-06, ISBN 9780215030412)and examines what efforts the Government is making in three main respects: (a) negotiations to tackle shipping emissions at an international level (within the IMO, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the EU); (b) measures by which the UK is to take into account its share of international shipping emissions in domestic carbon budgets (through the Climate Change Act 2008); and (c) support in the UK for operational improvements and technological R&D aimed at reducing emissions from shipping. Very little progress has been made at the international level. A lack of urgency shown by industrialised nations and blocking actions by developing economies share the blame. The Government admits that the current calculation of the UK's share of international shipping emissions is an underestimate and should consult on how to improve the methodology it uses to calculate the UK's share of international shipping emissions. Government support for research and development should focus on technologies that can be retrofitted to existing ships, and offer a genuine alternative to fossil fuels, such as hydrogen fuel cells. There should be drastic acceleration of R&D into low- and zero-carbon propulsion systems.