Physical Rehabilitation's Role in Disability Management
Bridging the gap between clinical practice and real-world interaction, this new resource challenges rehabilitation providers to think beyond treatment to disability management. It provides the theories and knowledge needed to effectively manage patients' disabilities within a managed care framework, with the goal of better collaboration with claims adjusters, case managers, risk managers, human resource personnel, safety and health officers, attorneys, peer reviewers, and others in the health care system. Highly visual and packed with useful information, it provides an excellent introduction to the wide variety of interested parties with whom a therapist will interact in the course of managing a client's health. The author has more than 23 years of experience consulting with insurance companies, employers, and the legal sector, and offers proven strategies for collaboration between providers and others involved with the health care system. Filled with numerous illustrations, graphics, and tables, many of which are useful for training and education of staff or clients. The appendix contains a large and diverse collection of helpful information that is not readily available from other sources. It also provides an essential list of resources for further reading about this constantly changing field. Chapters cover theoretical issues (management models, definitions of disability) as well as disability management in long-term care, worker's compensation, outcomes management, legal implications, and more. Case studies throughout the book present realistic examples of situations to improve the reader's technical and critical thinking skills. Focused on managing disabilities (i.e., functional problems) rather than on treating impairments (i.e., diseases), encouraging rehabilitation providers to think "out of the box" and to position themselves better within and beyond managed care.