Forging New Conventional Wisdom Beyond International Policing
Forging New Conventional Wisdom Beyond International Policing: Learning from Complex Political Realities provides an innovative perspective in the field by conceptualizing international policing as part of a much broader system of peace and capacity development initiatives. After establishing the global context and historical evolution of police in peace operations, authors Bryn Hughes, Charles T. Hunt, and Jodie Curth-Bibb proceed to recast key ontological and epistemological aspects. Examinations of the Rule of Law and Monitoring and Evaluation in peace and capacity building establish a solid foundation upon which the authors offer a convincing argument for a new, post-Weberian approach. In Forging New Conventional Wisdom Beyond International Policing: Learning from Complex, Political Realities, researchers, practitioners and policy-makers will find a critical addition to the current discourse on international policing.