* Master the 3 keys of memory * Boost memory power with self-tests * Remember everything better, from names and faces to articles andspeeches Master key concepts. Prepare for exams. Learn at your ownpace. How does memory work? What kind of drugs can impair memory? Howdoes the brain change with age? What are the tricks to improvingeveryday memory? With Memory: A Self-Teaching Guide, you'lldiscover the answers to these questions and many more. Carol Turkington provides memory-boosting activities related tostudy skills, foreign languages, names and faces, numbers,speeches, and age-related memory loss. The techniques presentedwill enable anyone to boost memory power and, by using Turkington'sessential memory keys, cultivate tools for remembering that willlast a lifetime. The step-by-step, clearly structured format ofMemory makes it fully accessible, providing an easily understood,comprehensive overview. Like all Self-Teaching Guides, Memory allows you to build graduallyon what you have learned-at your own pace. Questions and self-testsreinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skipahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful,up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuablelearning tool and reference source for anyone who wants to improvehis or her memory.