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Luiz Gama
Luiz Gama
Não faríamos favor algum a Luiz Gama se o comparássemos a Zumbi dos Palmares na disposição de luta que teve contra a escravidão. Filho de uma guerreira negra, Luiza Mahin, e de um senhor de engenho, Gama é protagonista de uma das mais interessantes histórias de vida, que tem como pano de fundo a presença negra no Brasil. Esta obra faz parte da Coleção Retratos do Brasil Negro, coordenada por Vera Lúcia Benedito, mestre e doutora em Sociologia/Estudos Urbanos pela Michigan State University (EUA) e pesquisadora e consultora da Secretaria de Estado da Cultura de São Paulo. O objetivo da Coleção é abordar a vida e a obra de figuras fundamentais da cultura, da política e da militância negra.
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Case Starting a new Relationship, by EQ Smart - Mercedes-Benz Valencia
Case Starting a new Relationship, by EQ Smart - Mercedes-Benz Valencia
In 2014, Eduardo García-Oliveros was appointed CEO of the subsidiary Comercial Mercedes-Benz and general director of Subsidiaries for Spain. Then, he was facing the beginning of a disruptive change in the automotive industry. In June 2018, at the end of his speech as the sponsor of the ESIC Businesss & Marketing School Valencia 2018 class, he noticed that those youngsters had new insights to understand problems and propose different solutions. That afternoon, Eduardo found the solution to the problem of charging points in Valencia and made EQ Smart the market leader... he breathed a sigh of relief, «the best or nothing».
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The Soul
The Soul
When we discover that we are matter, we come to understand that lives are portions of hard clay in the Potter's hands and the poetry in his rhymes, come to us as living water, which when appreciated, can undo our clods, erase our dust, soften our hardness and allow the Potter to remodel us, retemper our senses and feelings, make us flexible to the point of letting us connect with all forms of life, in an angelic lightness, where love makes everything possible when the SOUL is POETRY
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The Soul In Poetry
The Soul In Poetry
In the following pages we will appreciate a wonderful sample of the contemporary poetic production. The work The Soul in Poetry is a beautiful composition, which brings to the reader a variety of themes that reach from the subject to the pragmatic of things related to feeling. This book gathers a collection of poetries written in the essence of the soul, in their delights and it offers to those who read it, the pleasure of identifying themselves with what the verses propose at a certain point. Shows that the soul is poetry and love is its sublime form of identification and that in all the stanzas, each word shows the huge affection with which they were created to meet the refined taste of a good reading that the reader deserves, because they were created for their pleasure. Without further ago, penetrates in the transparency of this poet’s soul, who reveals himself to his THE SOUL IN POETRY.
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Education and Research Topics
Education and Research Topics
This book brings together texts that involve research covering various topics. The main objective of this work is to highlight the plurality of methodologies, bibliographic sources and objects of study that circulate in the most diverse countries in the postgraduate area.
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Multi-electronic Processes in Collisions Involving Charged Particles and Photons with Atoms and Molecules
Multi-electronic Processes in Collisions Involving Charged Particles and Photons with Atoms and Molecules
This volume describes the advanced research on the behavior of electrons in ionized atoms and molecules. Readers will learn about relevant techniques used and experimental results for different electron and molecular theories. The information presented in the book is useful for scholars and researchers involved in nuclear and atomic physics programs. Topics covered in the volume include: -Ionization experiments -Kinetic energy studies of photoexcited carbon dichloride and tetrachloride molecules -Selective excision of biomolecules in electron transfer experiments -Particle and antiparticle collisions with rare gases -Multiple scattering in electron Rutherford scattering spectroscopy -Four-body effects in the 6He58 +58Ni scattering -Twin atoms from doubly excited states of the hydrogen molecule.
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Big Data
Big Data
Big Data is a concept of major relevance in today’s world, sometimes highlighted as a key asset for productivity growth, innovation, and customer relationship, whose popularity has increased considerably during the last years. Areas like smart cities, manufacturing, retail, finance, software development, environment, digital media, among others, can benefit from the collection, storage, processing, and analysis of Big Data, leveraging unprecedented data-driven workflows and considerably improved decision-making processes. The concept of a Big Data Warehouse (BDW) is emerging as either an augmentation or a replacement of the traditional Data Warehouse (DW), a concept that has a long history as one of the most valuable enterprise data assets. Nevertheless, research in Big Data Warehousing is still in its infancy, lacking an integrated and validated approach for designing and implementing both the logical layer (data models, data flows, and interoperability between components) and the physical layer (technological infrastructure) of these complex systems. This book addresses models and methods for designing and implementing Big Data Systems to support mixed and complex decision processes, giving special attention to BDWs as a way of efficiently storing and processing batch or streaming data for structured or semi-structured analytical problems.
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Cabello de ángel
Cabello de ángel
A nueve días de las elecciones generales de 2008, el ambiente político y social se va enrareciendo en España, algo bien visible tanto en los platós de televisión como en los bares, los taxis y los lugares de trabajo. Desde los micrófonos de la cadena CLEN, el afamado y controvertido locutor Ramiro Torres no ceja en sus ataques directos al gobierno socialista, hurgando una y otra vez en la herida del 11-M. Una estrategia que los mandos del partido en la oposición parecen no compartir. En una atmósfera cada vez más inflamable y a cuatro días de la consulta electoral, un asesinato inesperado y mediático contribuirá a revolver las aguas aún más. Es entonces cuando el subinspector Andrés Polo se irá adentrando en una complicada investigación por donde desfilará un carrusel de personajes reales y ficticios. A caballo entre el género negro y la política-ficción, Cabello de ángel juega la carta del entretenimiento sin renunciar a retratar de forma certera los aspectos menos lustrosos de las sociedades democráticas contemporáneas.
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Ode To The Void
The second book of the collection “Latin America: Thoughts” presents Carlos Teixeira’s texts written between 1999 and 2015, previously published in Vitruvius, architecture portal in Brazil. This republication is not a simple collection, but rather a curated selection that defines a coherent and articulate narrative with texts previously isolated, illuminating some simple themes - social segregation, spatial fragmentation, car-oriented urbanism - and some unusual ones- the grass, the void, the reverse, the stilts.
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Assim como existe um plano espiritual que atua na Terra, o mesmo ocorre em outros planetas habitados. O Universo real é composto de um fluído, e nós que estamos vivendo em corpos físicos, não podemos vê-lo. Através da realidade espiritual podemos ver também o plano físico, contudo, o contrário não é possível pela limitada visão da matéria densa, a qual nossos corpos são formados. Todo planeta habitado fisicamente tem uma esfera espiritual, entretanto, podemos ter planetas habitados somente em nível espiritual. É importante ressaltar que partimos de uma conjectura, ou seja, uma teoria, alargando nossa visão de mundo, no campo da espiritualidade. Porém, partimos do ponto de vista de grandes estudiosos no assunto, como físicos, astrofísicos, astrônomos, todos intelectuais que também acreditam em outra realidade além desta visível.
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