Home at Last
Roan: I had a plan. Serve my either years in the Marines. Go to college, come home and join the family business. Then it all changed and I became a Marine Raider. Raw from my last year long assignment in hell, I was grateful to retire after twenty years. Coming back to Jasper Creek and working with my dad and brothers in our classic automotive restoration shop had always been my dream. Now here I am, damn near forty, retired, no degree, back in Tennessee only to find my family's flown the coop. What's more, they've put some upstart in charge of the family business. A female upstart. A gorgeous, smart and funny, female upstart. I'm in trouble. Big trouble! Lisa: Who’s the new guy? Scratch that, who's the new man? And who does he think he is? Roan Thatcher. What kind of name is that anyway? How dare he come into my town and think he can take over? Fine, the business hasn't been running perfectly, but considering I've got orders coming out my ears, and not enough staff, I'm doing pretty damn good! And that’s even with some asshat vandal/stalker trying to put me out of business! Roan better stay out of my way or there's going to be trouble. Big trouble!