Cardiovascular Anesthesia
This book is intended to be a manual of an Progressing to the intraoperative phase, esthesia for treatment of cardiac patients Chapter 3, on intraoperative monitoring, in undergoing either cardiac or noncardiac sur cludes techniques of insertion for arterial, cen gery. It was written for residents and fellows in tral venous, and pulmonary artery catheters, anesthesiology, attending anesthesiologists with and use of cardiac output and other quantifia specific interests in anesthesia for cardiac sur ble hemodynamic values. The electrocardio gery, anesthesiologists caring for cardiac pa gram, including precordial, atrial, and esopha tients undergoing noncardiac surgery, cardiolo geal leads are discussed. The cardiovascular gists whose patients have cardiac or noncardiac effects of all of the commonly used anesthetic surgery, and specialists in intensive care who drugs and the pharmacology of cardiac drugs deal with cardiac patients after surgery. It cov (antiarrhythmic drugs, digitalis, vasopressors, ers all aspects of a cardiac surgical patient's ex vasodilators, diuretics, and others) are de periences, pre-, intra-, and postoperative, and scribed. The specific details of anesthetic and also includes sections on cardiopulmonary hemodynamic management for coronary and bypass, techniques of cardiac surgery, and valvular disease are covered in Chapters 5 and myocardial preservation during surgery. The 6. Cardiac problems specific to children are dis evaluation, intraoperative management, and cussed in the chapter on congenital heart de postoperative care are applicable to patients fects and techniques of pediatric cardiac anes undergoing either cardiac or noncardiac sur thesia.