The Search for Jacob's Pillow
This Scottish Historical Novel is based on well known historical events and the author's personal experiences. The novel's main characters include three unrelated native born Scots. Tracy, a lady Royal Navy fighter pilot operating from her ship, H.M.S. Ark Royal, above the South China seas off Hong Kong; Alan, a Royal Bank of Scotland manager employed in the bank's Hong Kong office also acting as a volunteer Auxiliary Marine Police Inspector operating in Hong Kong waters: and Grant, an almost destitute professional golfer playing his last sponsored professional golf tournament in China. These three characters, albeit during unusual circumstances, each receive separate "signs"in the form of mysteriously engraved coins or tokens. These "tokens", when compared with similar "tokens" found after worldwide searches by Archeology Professor Angus Ogilvy, bring all five characters together in a common cause. This cause, namely finding the much sought after ancient Scottish artifact; the "Stone of Destiny" also known as "Jacob's Pillow", creates the intriguing theme of this novel. Since the year 847 AD, thirty one Scottish kings were crowned sitting upon the ancient "Stone of Destiny" it having originated in the Holy Land and brought to Scotland during the fourth century. In the year 1296 AD, King Edward 1st of England, more commonly known as"Longshanks" of the film Braveheart fame , plundered Scotland, took the "Stone of Destiny" to London and had it placed under the English monarchy coronation throne in Westminster Abbey. There it remained almost continuously for over seven hundred years. In 1951, four Scottish University students successfully heisted that Stone and returned with it to Scotland. However, after being hidden for four months it was found in Arbroath Abbey, and shortly after returned to Westminster Abbey and replaced under the Englis coronation chair.