Back to Prayer
Remove this out of schools and you get shootings and countless number of injuries. Take this from our communities and you get mass murders, bombings and coffins? If this didn't work, then why does the saint, sinner and even proclaimed atheist run to its pavilion? Why is it that after disaster people will fill churches in record numbers to be a part of its proclamation? Why does even our President call for it during national tragedy in an effort to bring a moment of peace and reformation?Only seeming to be a 'good' idea when 'bad' has released its fury! The answer is... because it...'PRAYER' works! In this book Prophet Davis explains:* What Prayer is* What Prayer does* Why without it you'll succumb to defeat* The Authority and Power in PrayerThis book is intended to provoke you to return with relentlesspursuit to possessing an insatiable desire for a prayer life you've never experienced. And more importantly, to walk in a supernatural power like Jesus using the weapon that triumphed over defeat every time. Prayer has been underestimated, rejected and even dispelled, but it is my hope that this book will cause you to be called, drawn and ecstaticabout returning, Back to Prayer!Prophet Davis is deemed as one of the most trusted prophetic voices in our time! He flows with a level of accuracy that is astounding to some with many signs and wonders following to the glory of God. Entreated to minister in Europe, Bahamas, Barbados, Africa and the US he also has a heart for local assemblies. He is the founder and president of SPJ Outreach Ministries and Brian Davis Ministries International.