"Pettitte. Gooden. Boggs. Williams. Strawberry. Fielder. Jeter. Leyritz. Wetteland. Rivera. O'Neill. Hayes. Just some of the stars in one of the most magical ball clubs ever. A team that refused to die, always fought back and beat the odds by bringing the world championship back to New York, beating the Braves four games to two." "Now, in Champions!, the Daily News's John Harper and the Bergen Record's Bob Klapisch tell the incredible story of the unselfish team that could. From Joe Torre's hiring to Doc Gooden's no-hitter to the huge summer lead to David Cone's remarkable return and September's near collapse - not to mention full accounts and box scores of the play-offs and the Series - this book is the perfect keepsake for an unforgettable season of struggle, heroics, and triumph." "Complete with previously unreported details, full 1996 stats, and illustrations throughout, Champions! is the must-have book for every true Yankee fan."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved