The Triumph of Wounded Souls
The Triumph of Wounded Souls vividly recounts the stories of seven Holocaust survivors who overcame many obstacles to earn advanced degrees and become college and university professors. As Jews trapped in Nazi-occupied Europe from 1939 to 1945, these remarkable individuals witnessed and endured terror and torture. After the war they pursued academic subjects that increased their understanding of the world and gave them a sense of purpose. Their inspirational accounts demonstrate that despite the worst of circumstances it is possible to heal with time. Each narrative chapter describes the social background and circumstances that helped to shape the survivor's destiny. Lerner's interrogative approach unearths surprising insights into each survivor's distinct personality, beliefs, and aspirations. Isaac Bash and George Zimmerman both survived the horrors of Auschwitz to become physicists. Ruth Anna Putnam, a philosopher, endured the war with her non-Jewish grandparents in Germany. Samuel Stern, a biologist, spent his early childhood in Ravensbruck and Bergen-Belsen. Zvi Griliches survived a Dachau subsidiary camp to become a prominent economist. Maurice Vanderpol became a psychiatrist after spending years during the war hiding in Amsterdam. Micheline Federman was sheltered by French farmers and later became a pathologist. While each survivor's postwar journey is complex and unique, these seven scholars reveal that the contemplative life can serve as a salve for wounded souls. They are extraordinary examples of how those who act justly and purposefully can help to bring reconciliation and meaning to an unjust world. In sharing their personal stories, they illuminate the realm of human possibility.