Spirits Walk Among Us
In her latest memoir, Spirits Walk Among Us, Benita Glickman paints an open and honest account of love, loss, grief, and healing through insightful poetry and emotive vignettes. After thirty-eight loving years together, Benita’s beloved Joseph passed, leaving her to grapple with his death, look back at her life, and try to make sense of it all. “In life, Joseph had been my dream come true. Since his death, in dreams guided by him, I’m reminded of my chilling loss, and cling to our connection of eternal love.” This memoir is an affirmation of love and the instrumental role it plays in Benita’s ability to accept change, heal, and ultimately walk down a spiritual path. Joseph provides strength, hope, and guidance through dreams, visions, and signs from the Other Side. I’m leaving you in the sense of the dream must end, and I must go back home, but I’m not leaving you. The love we share is eternal. Nobody can take that from you. ...You’ll always carry me with you, right here, in your heart. Spirits Walk Among Us encourages you to reflect on your own life. You’ll smile, have goose bumps, and perhaps shed a few tears as you walk alongside Benita in her quest for healing and spiritual enlightenment.