Europe’s End
Throughout geologic history of our planetary earth, have disappeared islands, half-islands, plains, mountains, seas and continents... Throughout biologic history of our earth, have disappeared species genus, families, orders, classes and domains of bacteriae, plants and animals alike... Throughout ontologic history of our Homo Sapiens Species, have disappeared tribes and union of tribes, nations and unions of nations, people and unions of people... Our Europe under the sign of Europe’s Union is into on ongoing fight of battlefield for surviving and re-adapting, by suffering through its misfortune politics by a cumulative destroying factors as uncontrolled migration, lacking of outside and inside borders, terrorism, overburdened of social system (over 50% out of the world social systems, with only 25% out of World Brute Production) huge inflationary laws, directives, indications (around the unconvertible number of 20.833!!!) and an utopian political subclass overall in Brussel, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid and so on... Our book is trying to shed a light over these ideologies resembling dramatic the sub-political stupidities of our times...