Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 82, 2 - Semptember 2013
Bejaoui, Bouhlel, Barca, Geology, Mineralogy and Fluid inclusions investigation of the Fluorite deposit at Jebel Kohol, northeastern Tunisia Bracco, Brajkovic, Comotti, Rolandi, Characterization of Elephant and Mammoth Ivory by Solid State NMR Caucia, Marinoni, Leone, Adamo, Investigation on the gemological, physical and compositional properties of some opals from Slovakia Fazlnia, Alizade, Petrology and geochemistry of the Mamakan gabbroic intrusions, Urumieh (Urmia), Iran: Magmatic development of an intra-oceanic arc Fulignati, Kamenetsky, Marianelli, Sbrana, PIXE mapping on multiphase fluid inclusions in endoskarn xenoliths of AD 472 eruption of Vesuvius Gualtieri, Giacobbe, Rinaudo, Croce, Allegrina, Gaudino, Yang, Carbone, Preliminary results of the spectroscopic and structural characterization of mesothelioma inducing crocidolite fibers injected in mice Barone, Bruno, Giuffrida, Mazzoleni, Raneri, Archaeometric investigation of a Late Roman marble statue from Kaucana (RG) with considerations on the diffusion of Thasos marble in Sicily Castorina, Masi, REY and Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of acqua regia extracts to assess pedogenic processes and pollution in soils from Ravenna