Switchin in Da Kitchin with Mama ’Nem
Switchin in Da Kitchin with Mama 'Nem is a collection of selected, tried, and preferred recipes, crafts, cooking measurements, and health and household ideas submitted by over eighty friends, family members, associates, and neighbors plus the golden collection of culinary treasures from Mrs. Ida's kitchen. Though this collection includes areas such as Mexico, Cambodia, Bahamas, Australia, Milwaukee, and Georgia, the focus is southern cooking. With the increasing popularity of Mexican dishes, there is a section dedicated to the most favored Mexican meal choices. a very comprehensive kitchen weights and measures chapter is included to make meal preparation quicker and easier. Other features include cooking points; meals just for two; menus and kitchen activities for children; canning, preserving, and pickling instructions; an easy-to-use meal planning chart with proper wine pairing suggestions; health and household tips. For locals and visitors, a section is included, spotlighting three of Richmond's premier southern-cooking restaurants, with a sample menu from each. The last chapter is designed "Just for You." This is an area dedicated to your preferred entries. (special recipes, useful crafts, favorite household and health solutions, children's favorites, etc.).