Ann Oram
We are delighted to present this exciting, new exhibition of work by Ann Oram, her seventh with us since 1985. After several years working abroad she has now returned to work in Scotland, in a new studio, in the countryside overlooking a formal garden. She has always found artistic stimulation in travel and new subjects but at this moment she has given consideration to ideas of inspiration and heritage; her own journey seen in the context of the art shegrew up with, her rigorous art education at Edinburgh College of Art, and the subjects which inspired a previous generation of Scottish artists. She has enjoyed deconstructing the styles employed on particular, well-known pictures by Peploe, Fergusson, Hunter and Cadell, which she has copied and has then taken the knowledge gained forward into her own work. There is abundant evidence that she has enjoyed following in their footsteps in Scotland andEurope without losing her essential personality