"Hair and the contact with hair are part of our humanity, accompanying us from birth to death. Our relationship with hair is one of the most intimate, most sensual elements in our most personal lives. Herlinde Koelbl's latest book is the product of six years of travel on four continents. In it we rediscover hair as a universal symbol of beauty, power, and sensuality, as a sign of femininity and of masculinity, and, above all, as the outer expression of an inner reality. The art of Herlinde Koelbl is to convey, in an intimate and at times disturbing manner, the role hair plays in establishing our individual social and personal identities: as a coat of protective armor, a gateway to inhibitions, a source of temptation, or a means of seduction." "Who better than author Bernhard Schlink to put into words the mysterious effect of a woman's hair on the senses of men? His poetic prose, as well as two essays by art historians Gabriele Betancourt Nunez and Silke Andrea Schuemmer, serve as guides on a fascinating photographic journey into the magic world of hair. Features 176 pages, 159 illustrations, 84 in color, 75 in duotone."--BOOK JACKET.