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Innovaciones tecnológicas para la enseñanza superior: contribuciones y resultados
Innovaciones tecnológicas para la enseñanza superior: contribuciones y resultados
La utilización de tecnologías educativas en el ámbito docente ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años, sobre todo tras la pandemia sufrida por el virus COVID-19 y el necesario confinamiento al que nos vimos abocados. Los avances tecnológicos y la accesibilidad a Internet han permitido que tanto los docentes como los estudiantes aprovechen diversas herramientas y recursos digitales para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Una de las claves para una implementación exitosa de las innovaciones docentes con tecnologías en la docencia es asegurarse de que se utilicen de manera efectiva, se adapten a las necesidades de los estudiantes y se integren de manera coherente en los planes de estudio. Además, es importante proporcionar la formación y el apoyo necesarios a los docentes para que puedan utilizar estas tecnologías de manera efectiva en el aula. Por ello, esta publicación se realiza con el propósito de recoger algunas experiencias innovadoras mediante tecnologías educativas que han realizado compañeros y compañeras en educación del ámbito hispanoamericano, mayoritariamente en educación superior, con el ánimo de poder llegar al máximo número posible de personas interesadas en la mejora continua del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje
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Early Modern Trading Networks in Europe
Early Modern Trading Networks in Europe
In the early modern period, trade became a truly global phenomenon. The logistics, financial and organizational complexity associated with it increased in order to connect distant geographies and merchants from different backgrounds. How did these merchants prevent their partners from dishonesty in a time where formal institutions and legislation did not traverse these different worlds? This book studies the mechanisms and criteria of cooperation in early modern trading networks. It uses an interdisciplinary approach, through the case study of a Castilian long-distance merchant of the sixteenth century, Simon Ruiz, who traded within the limits of the Portuguese and Spanish overseas empires. Early Modern Trading Networks in Europe discusses the importance of reciprocity mechanisms, trust and reputation in the context of early modern business relations, using network analysis methodology, combining quantitative data with qualitative information. It considers how cooperation and prevention could simultaneously create a business relationship, and describes the mechanisms of control, policing and punishment used to avoid opportunism and deception among a group of business partners. Using bills of exchange and correspondence from Simon Ruiz‘s private archive, it charts the evolution of this business network through time, debating which criteria should be included or excluded from business networks, as well as the emergence of standards. This book intends to put forward a new approach to early modern trade which focusses on individuals interacting in self-organized structures, rather than on States or Empires. It shows how indirect reciprocity was much more frequent than direct reciprocity among early modern merchants and how informal norms, like ostracism and signalling, helped to prevent defection and deception in an effective way. This book will be of interest to all early modern historians, especially those with an interest
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The Politics of Taste
The Politics of Taste
In The Politics of Taste Ana María Reyes examines the works of Colombian artist Beatriz González and Argentine-born art critic, Marta Traba, who championed González's art during Colombia's National Front coalition government (1958–74). During this critical period in Latin American art, artistic practice, art criticism, and institutional objectives came into strenuous yet productive tension. While González’s triumphant debut excited critics who wanted to cast Colombian art as modern, sophisticated, and universal, her turn to urban lowbrow culture proved deeply unsettling. Traba praised González's cursi (tacky) recycling aesthetic as daringly subversive and her strategic localism as resistant to U.S. cultural imperialism. Reyes reads González's and Traba's complex visual and textual production and their intertwined careers against Cold War modernization programs that were deeply embedded in the elite's fear of the masses and designed to avert Cuban-inspired revolution. In so doing, Reyes provides fresh insights into Colombia's social anxieties and frustrations while highlighting how interrogations of taste became vital expressions of the growing discontent with the Colombian state.
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Ena and Bee
Ena and Bee
• A close look at the intimate life of the Spanish royal family before, during and after the Civil War • Family letters show new light on the doomed affair between Bee and Grand Duke Michael of Russia, brother of Tsar Nicholas II • A revealing study of the relationship between Ena and King Alfonso XIII, which resulted in Bee being exiled to Switzerland • A dual biography of Queen Ena of Spain and her cousin, Infanta Beatrice (‘Bee’), by the late Ana de Sagrera with additional material from Doña Beatriz, granddaughter of the Infanta Princess Eugenia (Ena) of Battenberg and Princess Beatrice (Bee) of Saxe Coburg, granddaughters of Queen Victoria of England, married into the Spanish royal family. In 1906, Ena became the consort of King Alfonso XIII, who had been sovereign since his birth in 1886. Three years later, Bee married his cousin, Infante Don Alfonso. Ena’s marriage proved unhappy with the ill-health of her haemophiliac sons and her husband’s infidelities. The King abdicated in 1931 and they led separate lives in exile until he died in 1941. Bee and her husband Ali were more popular, although personal differences between them and the King resulted in their temporary exile for the first years of their marriage. They later returned to Spain, staying there for the rest of their lives. Bee died in 1966 and Ena three years later. This dual biography, written by Anna de Sagrera with additional material from Doña Beatriz, Bee’s granddaughter, looks in depth at the friendship of the mutually supportive cousins against the often-turbulent background of 20th century Spanish politics.
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Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas
Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas
Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas presents the extensive range of metaphoric and metonymic terms and expressions that are commonly used within the fields of science, engineering, architecture and sports science. Compiled by a team of linguists working across a range of technical schools within the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, this practical dictionary fills a gap in the field of technical language and will be an indispensable reference for students within the fields of science, engineering or sports science seeking to work internationally and for translators and interpreters working in these specialist fields.
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MoMoWo · 100 projects in 100 years. European Women in Architecture and Design · 1918-2018
MoMoWo · 100 projects in 100 years. European Women in Architecture and Design · 1918-2018
This publication is aimed to support two MoMoWo traveling exhibitions which will be presented in six European countries in two years (2016-2017): indoor exhibition catalogue “100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018”, and outdoor exhibition “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”. Exhibition catalogue 100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018 brings together a selection of some of the most significant and representative examples of European architecture and design created by 100 women from the end of the First World War up until today. The number of works is symbolic, as ‘one hundred’ could also mean ‘countless’ as in the Latin word centium. While, the number of authors –each work has a different author– derives from MoMoWo’s choice to represent many different creators, consequently popularising lesser known figures, too. It includes biographies of women architects, civil engineers, furniture and industrial designers, urban planners, interior and landscape designers. It represents the main trends and major ‘schools’ of architecture and design all over Europe. The biographical data covers education and training, professional histories, networks women have operated in, including informal societies, memberships in trade bodies and associations, their profile as international, national, local and regional designers, as well as looking at how women have promoted their work i.e. in exhibitions, publications, competition entries, etc. The catalogue entries are followed by thirteen thematic essays on women architects and designers and by the outdoor exhibition catalogue “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”, where photographs by ten finalists of the MoMoWo Photo competition are presented. By seeking to identify women who worked in Europe as well as European women who worked outside Europe over last 100 years, the main aim of this catalogue is to increase the awareness of historians and the general public about their enormous contribution to architecture and design, and indirectly providing accessibility to their works. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Razstavni katalog 100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018 prinaša izbor nekaterih najbolj reprezentativnih primerov evropske arhitekture in oblikovanja, ki jih je sto žensk ustvarilo v obdobju od konca prve svetovne vojne do danes. Izbrano število del je simbolično, saj 'sto' v latinščini lahko pomeni tudi 'nešteto' (lat. centium), medtem ko število ustvarjalk – vsako delo ima drugo avtorico – izhaja iz namena MoMoWo projekta predstaviti čim več različnih avtoric in s tem posledično osvetliti tudi manj znane osebnosti. Katalog vsebuje biografije arhitektk, gradbenih inženirk, oblikovalk na področju notranjega in industrijskega oblikovanja, urbanistk in krajinskih arhitektk iz 26-tih držav. Zastopane so glavne smeri in pomembne 'šole' na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja iz vse Evrope. Biografski podatki obsegajo izobrazbo in šolanje, poklicno pot ustvarjalk, mreže v katerih so ženske delovale, vključno z neformalnimi skupinami, članstvom v institucijah in združenjih, njihov profil na mednarodnem, nacionalnem, lokalnem in regionalnem nivoju, kot tudi kako so predstavljale svoje delo na razstavah, v publikacijah, na javnih natečajih itd. Kataložnim enotam sledi trinajst tematskih esejev o arhitektkah in oblikovalkah ter katalog razstave na prostem “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”, ki predstavlja fotografije desetih finalistov mednarodnega MoMoWo fotografskega natečaja. S predstavitvijo žensk, ki so delovale v Evropi, in Evropejk, ki so delovale izven nje v zadnjih sto letih je glavni namen kataloga razširiti vedenje strokovne in širše javnosti o ogromnem prispevku žensk na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja in jima hkrati približati njihovo delo. Publikacija je izšla v okviru dveh MoMoWo potujočih razstav, ki bosta v dveh letih (2016-2017) predstavljeni v šestih evropskih državah: razstava “100 del v 100 letih. Evropejke na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja. 1918-2018”, in razstava na prostem “Ženska zgodba. Reportaža o oblikovalkah”.
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Nuevos mundos
Nuevos mundos
This book develops the communication and literacy skills of heritage Spanish speakers with exercises that are designed to improve oral and written proficiency in the language. Nuevos mundos uses the cultures and voices of the major Hispanic groups in the United States, as well as those of Latin America and Spain, to familiarize students with a variety of issues and topics, which are sometimes controversial and always thought-provoking.
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The cinema of Pedro Almodóvar
The cinema of Pedro Almodóvar
This book offers a comprehensive film-by-film analysis of Spain’s most famous living director, Pedro Almodóvar. It shows how Almodóvar's films draw on various national cinemas and genres, including Spanish cinema of the dictatorship, European art cinema, Hollywood melodrama and film noir. It also argues that Almodóvar's work is a form of social critique, his films consistently engaging with and challenging stereotypes about traditional and contemporary Spain in order to address Spain's traumatic historical past and how it continues to inform the present. Drawing on scholarship in both English and Spanish, the book will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of film studies and Hispanic studies, scholars of contemporary cinema and general readers with a passion for the films of Pedro Almodóvar.
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