The Ruby Recorder Book of More Fun Folk for Fun Folk
The Ruby Recorder Book of More Fun Folk for Fun Folk comprises of 50 exciting traditional but less well-known country dance tunes and songs arranged especially for descant recorder. Some are a half page in length, others are a full page. Many of these melodies are modal and hold tricks up their sleeves and are more suitable for players of intermediate standard than beginners.Includes: Aniseed Water Robin, As I Walked Through the Meadow, Cheerily and Merrily, Constant Billy, Dabbling in the Dew, Dick's Maggot, Dissembling Love, Epping Forets, Footy Agyen the Wa', Galopede, Green Bushes, Hares on the Mountain, Haste to the Wedding, Henry Martin, Hit and Miss, Irish Jig, Jamaica, Just As the Tide was Flowing, Killiecrankie, Lady in the Dark, Laudnum Bunches, Lilli Burlero, Mage on the Cree, Mr Beveridge's Maggot, Mr Engelfield's New Hornpipe, My Lady Cullen, Old Noll's Jig, Old Woman Tossed Up In A Blanket, Parson's Farewell, Ribbon Dance, Sage Leaf, Scotch Cap, Sheap Shearing Song, Shepherd's Hey, Shepherd's Holiday, Siege of Limerick, Sovay, Sovay; Spring Garden, Take Her Out and Air Her, Tarry Trowsers, The Asparagus Garden, The Banks of Allan, The Crafty Lover, The Crystal Spring, The Drowned Lover, The False Bride, The Gelding of the Devil, The Mary and Dorothy, The Pleasures of the Town, The True Lover's Farewell, The Twenty-Ninth of May.For more from The Ruby Recorder, including one or two free downloads, visit our website! or snap the QR code