An historical Review of the Royal Marine Corps, from its Original Institution down to the Present Era, 1803
With mixed sentiments of Loyalty and Gratitude, I now lay the following Work under your Royal Shelter. In having deigned to become its Patron your Royal Highness has placed me under a double tie, as it is a precious mark of condescension bestowed upon myself, enhanced in value from its being a sure earnest of predilection for my Corps. To cherish Patriotism, Subordination and Allegiance, is the bounden duty of every subject; but more peculiarly so, during times of public danger, and of general convulsion. This has been my leading aim, not by the displays of Theory, but of Facts. Conscious that such were my predominant motives, and anxious to maintain consistency throughout, I looked around for a Protector who united within himself all those exalted endowments which I have laboured to establish. My eyes turned towards your Royal Highness, and my pen did not solicit in vain. With talents filled for an honorable discharge of the most important trusts; early trained in the hardy employs of a profession which has long been the prop of the British Empire; and a Prince of the greatest Realm on earth, your Royal Highness has nobly foregone all those pre-eminent claims, and with a manly humility, you have associated yourself, in arms, with the Volunteers of your Country. Although the field of glory may not be so wide as on that element for which your Royal Highness was destined from your youth, and where you are so well qualified to shine, still you have exhibited the brightest example to Englishmen, and by it alone, you have already rendered the most signal services...