The Footprints of Faith: Exploring the Foundation of Our Faith in the Life of Abraham the Father of Faith
THE FOOTPRINTS OF FAITHPROPHET ABRAHAM - THE INTERCESSOR (Genesis 18:16-33, & 20:7)Abraham's guests were about to leave him and make their way to Sodom to execute judgment against that wicked city. Although the two angels went on their way to Sodom (Genesis 18:22 & 19:1), the Lord continued to speak with Abraham and shared with him what He intended to do at Sodom. The Lord revealed His plans to Abraham because He trusted him (v 19). True intercession always begins with a revelation from God. God revealed to Abraham that He was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Immediately, Abraham thought of his nephew Lot and was concerned for his welfare.To intercede for others effectively we need God's revelation, but we also need humility in approaching God. Abraham recognized that he was just human and yet took it upon himself to speak to the Lord. There is almost a sense of "Who am I that I should plead with God?" Because God has given someone a revelation does not make that person more spiritual. Satan fell because of pride, and he will subtly seek to make intercessors proud because of the revelations that God gives them. With a revelation and humility, Abraham approached the Lord boldly with his request. Abraham based his intercession on the character of God, asking the question, "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" (Genesis 18:25), but he also misunderstood God, fearing that He might "sweep away" the city "and not spare" the righteous in it. God is righteous and will not allow the righteous to be destroyed with the wicked. God is unwilling to see even one person suffer unjustly.Abraham continued to plead with the Lord until he knew that Lot would be safe. Here is a picture of the intercessor's burden. The encouragements to intercessory prayer. God made known to Abraham what He was about to do, and thus invited his intercession. He has made known to us the purposes of His government. He has disclosed the issues of sin and holiness. Therefore, today He's inviting us to intercede with Him on behalf of sinful men. We see here the qualifications for intercessory prayer. Power in prayer is in proportion to holiness. The best men are nearest to God, and most powerful in prayer. Faith strengthened his petition. Humility made his approval pleasing to God. Love enforced his prayer. Earnestness characterized his intercession. Find out more about Abraham and his walk of faith in The Footprints of Faith.